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Hayden is staying the night until we can actually tell his mom it's a prank. I kinda feel bad doing it because she was so excited that Hayden had finally found a girl. I was just sitting in Elle's room reading her a book while Hayden was in the shower. I got a call from an unknown number. I probably shouldn't answer but Elle took my phone and slid the answer thing to answer it. I was kinda mad at her for doing that but I mean how can you not be mad at her. She's too cute to be mad at. I took the phone from Elle and started talking. (K-Kai aka you U-Unknown)
K- Uhhh... Hello?
U- Hi is this Kai?
K- Uhhh... y...y...yeah. Who is this?
U- I'm not telling you. You need to leave Hayden alone before I come find you and hurt you and Elle.
K- First of all I don't know who you think you're talking to. Second of all you are NOT gonna touch Elle. Third of all I don't have to listen to you. And lastly you will not touch us nor Hayden.
U- Well what are gonna do about it?? Huh??
K- Ummm... have you not seen my fight video? If you haven't maybe you should go watch it because I made it onto Worldstar from beating someone because they tried touching my mom and Elle. Maybe you should think about who you're talking to and do your research before calling people and saying that you will hunt them down and hurt them because you don't know their skills. Oh and btw I know who this is. I was acting dumb to see if you would say who you were.
U- Oh uhhhh........... well uhhhh.... who am i then??
K- You are a girl I went to school with and your name is Jordan and you were the most snobbiest person I've EVER known in my whole life.
U- Uhhhhh... n... n... n... no this isn't-.... fine you caught me. But still leave Hayden alone.
K- I've already told you once in high school and I'll tell you again. Don't tell me what I can and can't do and if I see you out in public I'll beat you still you can't see, stand, walk, or move. Last time I told you that you got scared and ran away crying.
U- *hangs up*
After the phone call "That's what I thought."
After I got off the phone I kept reading to Elle until she fell asleep. After she fell asleep I turned on her little night light and her white noise machine to make her sleep better.
Hayden's POV
As I got out of the shower I heard Kai in Elle's room on the phone. I secretly listened to the conversation but I could only hear Kai. Kai was going off on that person she was on the phone with. I don't ever want to be on her bad side.
Hayden came into my room after his shower. He had no shirt on and lemme tell you. When I say FINE I mean FINE. "Like what you see?" He said. "Uhhh... no you ugly go put on a shirt. If my dad sees you without a shirt Imma get my butt beat." I told him. "That's not what you was just saying. You was saying I was FINE like FINE FINE." He said. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked starting to blush. "Yeah you did." "Oh uhhhhh... I didn't mean to." "It's all good babygirl." He said. When he called me babygirl I thought I passed out. He grabbed my chin to make me look up and he started to lean in and I did too. Soon enough our lips were connected. We stayed that way for a couple minutes and then pulled away. He stood in between my legs with his arms wrapped around my waist and his forehead on mine. "Who was you on the phone with? I heard you." He asked. "Oh this girl I went to school with until I was homeschooled. She is the snobbiest person I've ever met in my life. She was basically telling me to stay away from you or she'd hunt me down and hurt me and Elle." I told him. "Oh. You said something about a fight video. I wanna see it." He said. "Of course you do." I said jokingly. I showed him the video and when it was over his mouth was wide open. "Close your mouth boy or you're gonna catch some flies and you're gonna be a frog." I said. He laughed and closed his mouth. We went to sleep not long after that. The next morning we woke up and got dressed and all that and went to the hospital. Hayden was the first one to be greeted even though I walked in first.
*2 weeks later*
Aaliya is now 2 weeks old. Today we are taking her to Hayden's house to end the prank.
"Kai come here for a second." My mom said.
"Ok." You got to where she was and she started talking.
"Ok I know you're taking Aaliya to end the prank but I want you to ask Hayden's mom something."
"What's that?"
"I want you to ask her if she would be the godmother of Aaliya."
"*gasps* For real?"
*At Hayden's house*
"Mom we actually have something to tell you." Hayden said.
"What is it?" She said.
"This was all a prank. This is actually Kai's new baby sister." Hayden said.
"Why would you do that to me?" She said.
"Wait before you start crying my mom wanted me to ask you something." I said.
"What is that?" She asked.
"My mom wants to know if you would like to be the... godmother of her." I said with a smile.
"OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!" She yelled.
"Mom quiet or you'll wake the baby." Hayden said.
"Oh sorry. But yes I will be the godmother." She said.
"Great. She actually wants to meet up with you sometime and get to know you." I said.
"I can do today or tomorrow." She said.
"Can you do it today because we have an event tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yeah sure." She said.
"Great. Umm... You can follow us or you can ride with us back to my house." I said.
"I'll follow y'all cause I need to go grocery shopping because Hayden wants to eat all my food." She said death glaring Hayden. Hayden throws his hands up in defense and laughs. She follows us to the house and Hayden was a nice enough gentleman by taking the car seat in. Basically all you need to know from Hayden's mom meeting mine is that day they became the BEST of the BESTEST friends.

                         To be continued
Shoutout to JulieFlores7 and mjauregui00 for commenting on the last chapter to update because I really enjoyed updating this. I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I've been busy with school and practice and all that mess. I'll try to push myself to update more.

Bestfriend // Hayden Inacio (A.K.A. Bankrol Hayden)Where stories live. Discover now