Chapter 9: Bounty Hunting and Goblins.

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"So, is this the barracks?" Mikhail asks while looking at a large hut.

"Apparently so. Let's just go in and put these guys in jail." I say while walking in.

As we walk in, a guard in chain and cloth armor stops us. "You. Halt. What business do you have here?" The man says.

"I want to put some terrorists in jail and get some information." I say.

"Down the stairs to my left. The Captain will take a look at them and decide if they can be taken in." He says back.

"Thank you, sir." I say as I walk down the stairs. Brea and Mikhail wait at the entrance.

"Is the Guard Captain here?" I ask as I look around. There are 15 cells, some benches, and a desk at the end of the hall.

"That's me. Captain Anders. What's your name?" The man sitting at the desk says. He has a big scar across his eye, it looks like a sword slash. He scratches his beard as I walk to him.

"My name is Karma. I had found these two people that are affiliated with the Qui Saeva." I say while setting them down in front of him.

"Good find, what were their jobs?" Captain Anders asks.

"The male goes by an alias known as the Watcher. The female seems to be a bodyguard to him." I say.

"Well, I'll be damned! These guys were the cause of this scar!" He roared while pointing to the slash.

"Nice work! Here, have 5 gold coins. Now, do you have anything to ask me about?" He says happily as he hands me 5 coins.

"Yeah, do you know an easy place to Level Up? Like a nest of goblins, or a group of bandits to slay?" I question.

"Yes, look at the bounty board by the stairs, they have many weak goblins and monsters to slay. Bring back the head of a Boss Monster from there and I'll pay you. Good hunting!" He says, pointing to the board.

I walk up to it. There are 3 posters up there. Read?

Yes. I think to myself.

Bounty #1: Goblin Hive.

There has been a number of goblin infestations throughout the nation, but recently there has been more hives outside of Cliffreach. Go to one of the hives and clear all of them out. Bring the head of a Goblin Warlord as proof. Go to this location.


Bounty #2: Bandit Hideout.

The Redrock bandits have created a hideout where they plot crimes and kidnap citizens. Bring the leader back dead or alive for a reward. Optional: If there is kidnapped children or abducted adults, take them to the church. Go to this location.


Bounty#3: Draugr hunting. The bodies of our ancestors have come back to life. Their goal is to take back their world. Go into their tomb and send them back into the afterlife. Bring the helm of a Draugr Champion for a reward. Go to this location.


I take the three posters. "Thank you, Captain Anders." I shout as I walk back to Brea and Mikhail.

"Hey guys, we got some bounties to complete. Do you guys know where this is?" I ask as I show them the Goblin Hive bounty.

"Yeah, I had been to that cave when I was a child. I'll lead the way."Mikhail says as we follow him to the cave.

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