Chapter 5

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*Meanwhile back at the castle*

Axel's P.O.V.

I paced unsettled in my room. I had sent out my Third-in-Command and some men a day ago. They haven't come back yet. Something had happened. I knew it.

Suddenly, an officer from my army burst into my room. I nearly growled at him, but before getting my wolf under control.

I growl out, "What do you want?"

The officer is obviously terrified of me but nonetheless answers, "Sir, patrol found our Third-in-Command half-dead at the border, surrounded by his dead men. He has just come out of an emergency surgery and says that his attackers left a message for you, sir."

I get up and order the officer, "Lead me to him!" He quickly complies and brings me to a makeshift hospital wing in a private room.

Once his duty completed, the officer bows out of the room quickly. I turn to face my Third-in-Command and order, "Tell me what happened!"

Blake, my Third-in-Command, has a coughing fit, but then replies, "We had cornered the run-away princess, Addison, and I was negotiating with her to bring her in quietly."

"If you were fine, then how were you found half-dead," I wonder.

"If I may continue, we were fine. But then two new wolves entre the scene," Blake continues.

I scoff, not believing, "Are you telling me that two wolves killed the twenty wolves and nearly kill you?"

Blake says, "It was not even two wolves. It was the female. She fought like she was possessed. If I had not been on the receiving end, it would have been beautiful. The woman could have killed me, but chose to leave me alive to pass on a message."

"So, what is the message?" I ask impatiently.

"She said something along the lines of 'If you survive or are found in time to be saved, tell your leader that no one messes with my people', " Blake explains.

"What do you mean along the lines of? I want the exact message!" I complained.

"Please give me a second to try to remember," replies Blake.

"Hurry up!" 

"I remember now. She said, if you survive, tell this to your precious Rogue King, no one messes with my family!" 

I started trying to work out who this mysterious man and woman are out loud, "If Addison is her family, then she must be Royal. I could question the Royals about any family members. That's what I will do!"

I walked out of the room mind-linking my Beta James, "Bring your mate to the dungeons where the other werewolves are! I need to talk to them." I cut off the link, knowing he will obey me.

We were keeping all of the Royals dosed up on wolfsbane to keep them weak and to stop them from calling on their wolves. Thanks to a deal my father made with a witch, I am able to withstand the current Alpha Queen and King's dominance. They are not that powerful anymore. The first Alpha Queen must have been a sight to behold. 

I arrive at the dungeon to find James and his mate, Maya, a Royal daughter. Maya seems almost anxious to go in, usually she is all attitude about listening to my orders. I guess seeing your family is a good encouragement.

I entered first with Maya and James following. Maya tries to throws herself at her parents and siblings happy, but James holds her back. They all cry out different things to Maya, "Maya, are you alright? Have they done anything to you? Have you seen Addison? Did she succeed?" 

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