Ashes, Ashes

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Eli was an average girl. Average level of magic, as far as she was concerned, average number of friends and enemies, average family, with a mother, a father, and her younger sister. Her appearance wasn't quite average, but it still wasn't extraordinary, nonetheless. Looking in the mirror to check her outfit, she brushed out her red curls, and looked upon her petite little body with a quiet smile and curious grey eyes, as if she were but a child observing her reflection for the first time. Today was a new day, and she was a new girl. She was the best girl.

Sliding down the staircase rail, the giggling of her younger sister was what awakened her curiosity, and when she reached the bottom, she planted her feet on the carpet and looked about her. Their house was large, most likely too large for them, but since they had family and friends over quite often, it was excusable. "Hey Lizzy! It's pancakes!" Glancing quickly over in the direction of the table, and taking her feet there, she nodded with that same smile that seemed to be plastered on her face ever so often. "Yep! Dad always makes blueberry pancakes on my birthday, when he's not fixing the stuff the no-maj's need to be fixed up right quick." 

Blinking slowly, she looked at her sister one more time, her gaze a different type. "Do you smell something burning, Jazz?" Jazzmyne shook her head. "No... Actua-- oh my god FIRE!!" Pointing to a corner of the living room, near the unlit fireplace, was something that appeared to be burning. Upon closer inspection, however, it was actually a bird; "A phoenix!" Jazz's face lit up at these two words, and her immediate response, being seven, was, "Can we keep it? Please please please?" 

"Absolutely not!" Uh-oh. That, Eli was sure, was their mother. Their mother strictly didn't allow pets, and she said that you could only have the one you got to choose when you went to school. "Shoo, birdy--! Wait, no, Eli, could you get that letter from it?" Eli abandoned her pancakes very briefly to go retrieve the letter, and excitedly exclaimed, "It's for me!

"Well, then, open it," her mother said, clearly urging her past just holding it, tone rather urgent. "And read it out for me, please!" 

Clearing her throat, she read through the letter, voice loud enough for her father, who had just arrived and was standing in the doorframe, to hear: 

"Dear Elizabeth Angelica Morgan,

With great honor, we are more than pleased to inform you that you have a place at Ilvermorny school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

No need to respond by owl, we already know that you are planning on attending."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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