Chapter 13

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Two years later after meeting the cutest little girl Hadley Wells. Jennifer shuts Jack's bedroom door and picks up her phone and calls her close friend from the academy "Hey Amy!" Jennifer says walking down the stairs, "Hey Jennifer what's up?" Jennifer smiles and sits on the couch "I have to work late tonight, I was wondering if you could come over and watch Jack. He's asleep but he could wake up anytime, I don't want to force this on-" "Don't be silly! I'm on my way over." Jennifer smiles relieved and looks on the clock on the wall. "Thank you, see you in a bit." Any hangs up and Jennifer sets the phone down and walks into the kitchen. She kind of knew that Amy wasn't going to pass up an opportunity with Jack so she made the easy bake muffins. She opens the oven and takes the pan out and sets it on top of the stove. She smiles proud of how the muffins didn't look completely horrible. A knock sounds on the door and Jennifer walks to the door. She looks through the peephole and opens the door "Thanks again Amy." she smiles and gives Jennifer a hug "It's seriously no problem... are those muffins?" Jennifer laughs and nods "Chocolate chip." Amy's smile lights up and Jennifer laughs as she let's go. "I have to go, see you when I get back, it hopefully won't be long since we started earlier today." She nods and asks "How is it going?" Jennifer shrugs "It's a crazy one, I'll tell you about it when it's done." she nods and Jennifer grabs her gun and slides it in her holster "Thanks." Amy smiles and waves as Jennifer walks out the door.
"Is Jack alright?" Emilie asks Jennifer as soon as she walks in. Jennifer nods and Aaron gives her a questioning look "Jacks asleep and Amy is there." He nods and she looks into the room "How is she?" Emilie shrugs and says "She's not happy she's being questioned like the rest of the victims." Jennifer nods and says "Let me go and talk to her." Emilie nods and opens the door for Jennifer.
"Hey." Jennifer greets sitting down across from her. She looks up and meets her eyes, then looks down to the floor again. "If it makes you feel any better I called your girlfriend to get you your favorite treat and to meet you here." She looks up and smiles "Did you tell her anything else?" Jennifer shakes her head "I just said that you would tell her when she gets here." She nods and Jennifer grabs her hand "Kyrsten what happened is not your fault, can I run through a little exercise before she gets here?" Kyrsten looks at the window and then back to Jennifer "Okay." Jennifer smiles and says "Okay, just remember that I'm right here." Kyrsten nods and Jennifer starts "Close your eyes, it's the night you're walking back from getting coffee. What do you hear?" "Car horns, people yelling into their phones through the crowd." Jennifer nods "That's good, now you get to the intersection what's happening." Kyrsten looks around and says "People are shoving into me trying to cross the street before the light turns. I turn around to see if there's a faster way to the station. Oh my god he's right there. Jennifer!" Jennifer squeezes Kyrsten hand "It's okay I'm right here. Flash forward to when you wake up. What does the room look like?" Kyrsten nods "It's cement all around, there's only one door and it's full metal. there's a grate in the door where he talked to me." "Good, was it dark?" Kyrsten nods "The only light was a faint lantern in the corner that I couldn't reach." Jennifer looks up to the window and sees Sage, Kyrsten's girlfriend. Jennifer lifts a finger up and Sage nods. "Why couldn't you reach it?" Jennifer asks, Kyrsten looks around again "I was chained to either the wall or the cot... he's coming in. Jennifer!" Jennifer squeezes Kyrstens hand hard "It's okay open your eyes." Kyrsten's eyes open and Jennifer smiles "Thank you. You did great." Kyrsten nods and Jennifer stands and turns to the window and waves Sage in.
Aaron looks at Jennifer as she stacks some papers "We're looking for a team." She says after a bit. Aaron looks at her as she puts the files on the table. "How do you know?" Jennifer looks back to the board of all the victims. "The organization of the times the victims were taken and found suggests one, so that means that they would have a type. Darren had a type for blondes." Aaron gives her a concerning look but Jennifer ignores it. "But it's all random, there is no possible connection between the victims and they all fit different types so we have a team. The one who took Kyrsten must be the dominate and whoever took the second victim is definitely the submissive. Everyone in between is for the other members of the team who aren't submissive but are to scared to challenge the dominant for the position of leader." Aaron nods and stands next to Jennifer and holds her close. "Are you okay?" Jennifer shakes her head and turns to face him "I'm worried for Kyrsten." he nods and rests his chin on her head and softly sways "I am to."
2 Days Earlier
Kyrsten holds the coffee close so hopefully the rushing crowds of people yelling into their phones and at each other won't knock it out of her hands. She stops at the intersection and taps her foot impatiently she has to get back soon or else they'll wonder if she got distracted by a new laptop... which she needs. She turns around to look for a way around the intersection but finds none. A man walks toward her and she starts to turn around but his voice stops her "Are you lost?" She shakes her head and says "No I was just looking for a faster way around." He looks around and says "I live here I could probably show you a faster way. Where are you going?" Kyrsten looks back and then back to him "The police station." he smiles and nods his head back the way he came "Come this way it's a lot faster than crossing the street." She nods and follows him down the street. They chat and Kyrsten finds out they have a common interest for computers. He leads her down an ally yet she doesn't pay attention just keeps talking about the new system launch and how she wishes it would lose some aspects but keep some. She also doesn't realize he stopped until something hard hits the back of her head.
Jennifer walks back into the room and looks around "Is Kyrsten back?" Emilie looks up from the messy pile of files "No I thought she ran into you and was walking back with you." Jennifer looks back to Charlie and Derek "Charlie, Derek. Has Krysten come back yet?" They shake their heads and Aaron walks in and opens his computer "His website is streaming." They huddle around the computer and see Kyrsten knocked out on the cot.
"Does anyone else have tech experience?" Aaron asks Emilie nods "I have a bit." Aaron backs away and Emilie slides in and starts typing. The screen goes black and Emilie backs away. "He closed the site." Aaron nods and Charlie looks at Jennifer. She walks over to the board with the map pinned to it. "The coffee shop is here." She takes a pin and sticks it to where the coffee shop is. "And the station is here." She takes the pin and pins it as well. She continues to do that with all of the dump sites. "That's going to be hard to narrow down." Charlie says looking at the board "Well we have to do it tomorrow if we want a hotel room." Aaron says looking down to his watch. "Okay." Jennifer takes a step back and pulls out her phone to snap a picture of the map.
They wake up the next morning and immediately head to the station. "Okay so charlie and I were narrowing the map down overnight and we narrowed it down to a twenty five mile radius." Jennifer says drawing a circle around the area on the map. "It's better than fifty." Aaron says opening up Kyrsten's laptop. Emilie sits down and starts searching through the federal database. "Here's a trick I learned back in interpol." Jennifer says walking to the computer. Emilie scoots the chair back and Jennifer types in some commands and info to the computer. "I didn't know you worked in interpol." Charlie says, Jennifer backs away from the computer and Emilie slides back into her place "Yeah, I got reassigned after a case where I wouldn't back down because a little boy was put at risk." He nods and Aaron looks at her questioningly. "I'll tell you later right now we need to find Kyrsten." They nod and Emilie stands up excitedly "I think I found something."
They run out of the room, Emilie was able to narrow their search down to a ten mile radius and found a perfect location. An old abandoned warehouse that used to be used as a mental institution. Aaron parks the car quickly and they all run out. Jennifer kicks the door in and runs in flashlight on gun out. "Clear!" Derek calls kicking doors in and running in. "Clear!" Charlie calls running down the opposite hallway. "Guys! In here!" Aaron calls Jennifer is the first one to reach him. She runs in and Kyrsten lays there on the cot blood running down the side of her head. "Kyrsten!" Jennifer exclaims she runs up to he cot and wipes the blood from the side "He- He- Ran." Kyrsten mumbles pointing at the door. Aaron runs in with a paramedic and Jennifer stands and runs in the direction Kyrsten pointed. "FBI!" Jennifer yells when she gets to the end of the hallway. A figure jumps out the window and Jennifer runs to it only to see him running into the field of tall grass. Jennifer slams her hand down on the windowsill in frustration before turning around and running back to the team.
Present Day
"You think it's a group?" Emilie says stunned Jennifer nods and explains word for word of what she told Aaron. "Makes sense." Charlie comments they nod. "I heard him talking to another person, I assumed he was talking to himself but after hearing that I'm not so sure." Jennifer turns around and sees Kyrsten. "Okay, did he seem mad?" Kyrsten nods and sits down by her laptop, Aaron opens his mouth to protest but Jennifer shakes her head. "I remembered one of their names William Brown." Kyrsten starts typing quickly and Jennifer smiles, she never realized how much she missed the sound of quick typing. "That's him." Kyrsten backs up and Jennifer gets a look at the picture. "Kyrsten that's the dominate." Jennifer says surprised Kyrsten looks up at her stunned "Really?" Jennifer nods. "This is a mug shot, he's been to prison before, no submissive or in between would get so many tattoos on their neck and arms." She nods and Derek looks at the picture "You didn't know it was him?" Kyrsten shakes her head "They wore a mask." Jennifer looks up to Aaron. "We have to go, Kyrsten give us his address." She nods "Sending it to you phones now." Jennifer, Aaron, Charlie, and Derek run out and Emilie stays behind with Kyrsten.
They pull up to the house and Aaron pounds on the door "William Brown! This Is The FBI! Open Up!" No response and Jennifer pulls out her gun and Aaron motions to the door. She smiles and kicks the door in. "Clear!" Jennifer calls running into the living room Aaron runs into the kitchen "Clear!" Derek goes to the garage "The Car Is Still Here." Charlie walks down the hallway and opens the bedroom door.
Charlie walks in and something seems off he can't profile behavior as well as Jennifer can but he feels like something is off. "Hello?" He spins around and aims his gun in the direction of the voice a little girl sits there and Charlie puts his gun back and picks up the little girl "Are you looking for my daddy?" Charlie nods and she whispers into his ear "He's back there." "Aaron! He's not here!" Charlie calls walking quickly to the living room. Aaron looks at Charlie confused but then sees the child "Third door on the left." Charlie whispers. He nods and Charlie walks out of the house and down the street. "What's your name?" He asks the girl smiles "Sammy." She pulls out her doll from the little backpack and Charlie smiles "Woah, that's a cool doll what's her name "Sarah. She has the same hair as you." Charlie chuckles and looks back to the house.
Jennifer opens the door and Aaron runs in, then Derek and Jennifer stays behind. Jennifer feels a breeze behind her so she turns around, the window is open. "Derek! Aaron!" they turn around to see Jennifer run across the hall, into the room, and slide through the window. It's times like this where Jennifer is glad for her petite frame. She runs quickly through the field behind the house. She climbs a hill and sees a figure running through the field stop. She takes a quick look back and sees Derek who is climbing the hill she runs down. If she doesn't use this time to catch up she would've lost him again. She catches up to him and jumps on his back knocking him down. He throws a punch and it lands right in Jennifer's jaw. She throws a punch back and Derek finally reaches them "Hey FBI Stop." The punches stop and Derek yanks William off of the ground Jennifer takes some steps back and Derek nudges his head and she mouths 'Thank you' he nods and she whips around throwing one last punch before they take him back, it lands right on his nose and they hear a slight crackle noise. Derek smiles impressed and Jennifer says "Come on."
They make it back to the station and take him to the interrogation room. "Do you want to go in there?" Derek asks Jennifer nods and Derek graciously opens the door for her. "Well you're the little-" Jennifer sits down and completely cuts him off "You're a coward." He sits up straighter and starts to protest but Jennifer continues. "You ran instead of fighting like a man." He stands up and she does to "Sit Down And Let Me Finish." He sits down and Derek from behind the widow turns to Aaron "What is she doing she isn't even letting him speak." Aaron grins and says "Don't worry it's her strategy, he'll start talking soon." Jennifer leans over the table and gets in William's face "You know a wise man said he who is untrue to his own cause cannot command the respect of others. How did you get them all to respect you when you are a coward and were ready to drop your so called cause just like that?" He looks down and Jennifer hits the table "Look at me if you aren't a coward." He looks up and says "They were easy targets the three others live in the cellar of my house, I am the one who can lead them. I am the one who taught them everything they know about abducting. I'm the one who did all of that I am not a coward." Jennifer smiles and stands up and starts walking to the door "And you're the one who just betrayed them all." she swings the door open and walks into the other room with Derek and Aaron. "How did you know he would do that?" Jennifer leans back against the wall "The dominate hates being pushed around and called a coward, that's the one thing that all group serial killers have in common." They nod and Kyrsten walks in "Did we get them?" Jennifer nods "We got them."
He who is untrue to his own cause cannot command the respect of others. - Albert Einstein

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