Part one; Scene 1

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You can hear a faint report, the reporter? A resembling voice of Lisa Guerrero.

Reporter; It's an epidemic. It's a problem. This challenge has been so deadly, that we can't even say it. Families in the Milford, Delaware area are mourning the loss of many teens and unsuspecting children. Back to you, Jim.

Jim: We're advising you refrain from the-

Co-Anchor: The Sinatra Challenge.

The CNN east wing explodes, into a fire-y mess, the stream goes offline and you can hear military jets flying above, at a rate which causes mini localized earthquakes.


Fast forward Two years;

The frame goes from around the corner of the building, focusing on the Co-Anchor. The Co-Anchor's name is revealed. You are at a cafe.

Viper: So, how's the children, Billie?

Billie: They seem good. I can't exactly see them anymore. 

Viper: Yeah I can see, blindhead. 

Billie: Don't call me blindhead.

Viper: Fine.

Viper: Whats life like, after the incident.

Billie would change the topic.

Billie: Hows the job, Erik?

Viper: Fire-y, and fun

Billie: The hell do you mean by fire-y.

Viper: Oh you'll see.

Viper would smirk, boldly.

Billie Anchorage, raises her eyebrow as Viper says Fire-y and fun. This raises her suspicion, and her service dog starts to Bark loudly.

The police nearby listen in through unsecure CCTV cameras, and act. Behind you, surrounding the table is a few teams of SWAT, Bomb teams, and Police. They all get closer, as the bomb team is twice as close.

*The Camera shakes*

Viper, currently smirking: Sina-

Billie flees

The cafe explodes. Viper does not survive. Three workers, five customers Injured in the multi-building explosion and collapse. 


The bright neon blue and red colours flash onto the boards in times square. You can hear Police sirens. Everyone runs into the nearest building. That building happens to be the BPB. (Bomb Protection Building  at the Times Square.)


Headline: The S*N*T*A bombings are attacking, America 0, S*N*T*A 2.

Anchor (Daughter of Jim): It has been two years to this day, since the SNTA bombings, especially the one that killed my father. The bombers have striked once more. This time, killing and collapsing nearby Cafe Verde, and small boutiques. This killed 3, injured 5. 

Co-Anchor: The suspect was cornered, and with former Anchor, Billie A. The perpetrator was presumed to be Erik, V. Donzel. He wore a hoodie, which had the word Viper. This later was confirmed to be bloodstains of his former victims.

The TV cuts to President Biden, starting the lock down of the Continent. He is joined by the leader of Canada, Justin Trudeau and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. They all, on different podiums express their views, before getting to the Continent Lock down. 

President Biden: It is to my knowledge, and belief that we are in a dire time for a continent lock down. The Bombing epidemic which killed thousands, on-top of the millions elsewhere is starting again. The wars which we all successfully helped Syria fight back from, are hitting us now. Just this time, striking thousands of times a day. 

Prime Minister Trudeau: As I co-coincide with the President's here, I express national views. These views will hit all of our economies, and effectively bring out a civil war between ourselves. Universally, our boarders will have the doubled securities, which former American President Trump wanted.  This should effectively be able to help drop the bomber(s) from hitting multiple countries at once. 

President Lopez-Obrador, doing his best English speaking: As the president of Mexico, one of the most vulnerable countries to date, I want to effectively stop the import and exports of weapons and bombing supplies to all of our countries. 

President Lopez-Obrador stops short, and the recording ends. The recording cuts out to the cliche hacker taking over TV. The recordings would be choppy, and you can hear police sirens.

D̶e̶g̵e̷n̸: Delta. India. Alpha. - - Hotel One Oscar five

The TV would cut back to the end of the segment.

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