Emma Love Jax Part 1 of 3

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Scene cut to Emma pulling Andi aside

"I got news"Emma take her hand as they walk down the hall, "as long as it not about"Andi said, "Jax"Emma smile deeply, "Oh what now"Andi cried out, "You was right I want Jax back he meant everything to me"Emma smile, "Em he with Sophie now he love her he loved you"Andi explain to Emma as Emma shake her head, "No your wrong Jax and I belong together"Emma said as Andi open her mouth to say someone Emma cover her mouth, "Nobody not even Daniel made me feel like an star ok nobody and nobody will ever be as awesome as Jax"Emma explain as Andi muttered into Emma hand but since Emma know Andi well she understood, "I'm in love Andi and I'm not talking highschool I love you I love you I'm talking growing old having a family I love you"Emma paused, "I'm in love with Jax Novoa and I want to be"Emma said as Andi tackle her in a hug, "There nobody else for me and there never will be I'm single or I'm half of jemma no more drama"Emma said as Andi smile, "Good because everyone got heartache from deema to jemma to demma to Jophie"Andi said as Emma glare at her as Andi look away

Scene cut to Diego holding Maddie waist as she open her locker seen a boxes of chocolate

"Aw baby"Maddie open the box, "it's an empty"Maddie said, "Yeah I know because your wonderful and I'm empty without you"Diego kiss her cheek, "You saying I'm fat"Maddie ask, "You got an empty box of chocolate to say your empty without me"Maddie cried as Diego shook his head, "No Madds your perfect"Diego tell her, "Oh you saying my looks are only reason you with me"Maddie ask as Diego throw his hands up, "Madds what wrong"Diego ask, "Nothing just leave me hell alone, KATIE WHERE MY SMOOTHIE"Maddie scream as Katie hand her the smoothie as Maddie smile, "Thanks"Maddie turn to Diego kissing him softly before skipping off, "What's her"Diego ask, "monthly"Katie hiss at him as Diego knocked handing him a list, "What's"Diego ask, "Madds monthly do and don't"Katie said, "learn it"Katie order before walking off

Scene cut to Emma at her locker as Sophie walk up

"Em had Jax spoken to you yet"Sophie ask as Emma shake her head, "Well he is but since I'm here"Sophie smile, "Stay away from Jax"Sophie smile as Emma shut her locker, "excuse me"Emma ask, "You heard me Jax my boyfriend so stay away"Sophie tell her sweetly but glaring, "Why are you been so mean"Emma ask, "I don't know why you take people boyfriend's we all got questioning"Sophie walk away as scene cut to Jax listening behind the corner

Scene cut to Maddie laying her head in Diego lap as he rub her hair, "You love me"Maddie ask as Diego knocked, "forever"Maddie ask as Diego kiss her passionately, "I need more prove"Maddie joke as Diego kiss her again as Maddie push him down in grass as they make out

Scene cut to Emma walking out her dad office as she got a text, "I know it an storm coming"Emma scream walking down the hall as trash can flew in, wind start blowing hard, "Ahh"Emma scream as a hand grab her pushing her down

Scene cut to Maddie and Diego

"Ah"Maddie scream as Diego held her tight as he got Maddie inside a gas station, "Diego"Maddie cried into his chest, "shh it's fine"Diego telled her as Maddie held on to him tight

Scene cut to Emma smiling at person

"Thanks"Emma smile as Jax help her up, "Welcome come on let's get you home"Jax grab her hand, "the storm going start back up any second" Jax teleport them into Emma room

Scene cut to Emma removing her jacket

"Uh can you go in living room"Emma ask, "I'm going see it all one day anyway"Jax muttered winking at her as Emma blush going to her closet

Scene cut to Emma walking into living room

"How you know I was in danger not that I was"Emma ask, "I told you I'm a wizard"Jax reply, "More like a mini Daniel"Emma joked, "What"Jax ask as Emma smile, "Daniel"Emma ran as Jax ran after her

Scene cut to Emma locking her door sitting on the bed as a pair of strong arms pull her down

"Gotcha"Jax said into her ears as he tickle her, "Jax stop"Emma slide to ground crying cause she was laughing to hard as Jax got on top of her pending her as Emma roll them over, "Gotcha"Emma laugh getting off him

Scene cut to Maddie laying in her room as her computer ding groaned Maddie cast a spell so she could see the message she jump up seen it was from Sophie

"Heart 411"Maddie read, "Uh Oh"Maddie pull out her cell dialing

Scene cut to Emma and Jax sitting on her bed

"So listen Sophie don't want us hang out no more"Jax said as Emma look sad, "Oh yeah she told me"Emma look down holding back tears, "I know I overheard"Jax pause grabbing her hand, "So I broke up with her"Jax said as Emma eye lift up, "I can't live without you"Jax kiss her hand as Emma blush, "You know the Panthers going kill you right"Emma joked as Jax shrugged, "when I'm not with you I'm dead"Jax smile, "I love you"Emma whisper as Jax smile acting like he didn't hear her, "What"Jax ask as Emma kiss him with all the heart and emotional she had before playing with his hair, "I love you I love you so much"Emma said as Jax pick her up twirling her around, "I just don't want us to hurt no more"Emma said as Jax rub her head, "I love you too I promise we won't I will never let you down again"Jax pulled away looking into Emma eyes, "I'm not going let anything ruining this relationship"Jax said as Emma kiss him as they make out for two minutes before hugging each other tight

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