Chapter one

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'Dear journal,'

'Mom's doing it again. I know James said not to let it bother me but I can't Help it. The screaming and crying. It's killing me, but I can't do anything. If I did she would try to force me to help her.....' Tears drip off the child's face onto the paper. 'I'm scared I-I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want my mom back' The child start shaking as the screaming in the background gets louder. For a few seconds the girl thinks things can't get any worse. Lost in her own thoughts the child doesn't realize the screaming had stopped. Once she does she starts to run to her bed. Already knowing what was going to happen next. The little rushes to shove her journal way and get into bed. 

The steps echo as a woman walks down the hall of what seems to be a mansion. The little girl tries to calm herself as the echoing seems to get closer. Just as the little girl closes her eyes, her door opens with a creek. A women who appears to be in her mid-twenties walks through. Her black hair almost hidden in the dark background. Her once white dress flows around her with each step. Her dark red lips form a smile as she watches the child for a brief moment. The women reaches her hand out and brushes a strand of the child's multi-colour hair. 'oh my sweet  baby why must you always pretend to hate what I do.' The sweet smile that was once upon her face suddenly turns cold and cunning. Her hold on the child's hair tightens as her once loving blue eyes fade into a blood red. The little girl knowing she has been caught slowly opens her eyes.

 'M-m-mama I-I can eplai-'. The little girl is cut off by her mother jerking her hand. Pulling the little girl's hair with it. The child screams as she is pulled from the safety of her bed. 'What did I say about stuttering child.' The women's voice sharp as she addresses her child. 'N-not t-to, but mama I'm scared I-I had the bad dream again.' the child whimpers as she looks up at her mother hoping she will buy the lie as has just spoken. The women's face softens as she buys into her child's lie. The women lets go of the girl's hair and pulls her into her arms. 'oh my sweet child you are safe with me I won't let anything every hurt you.' The child looks up at her mother tears still streaming down her face. 'Y-you p-prom-mise.' The women smiles down at the girl and begins to wipe her tears away. 'Yes baby girl. I promise as long as I am alive I will never let anything hurt you.' The mother walks over to the bed and picks up a stuffed animal off the ground, smiling at it before handing it to her daughter. 'Here sweety.' The little girl takes the small stuffed lion. She lightly touches the line on its face as if tracing a scar, before hugging it to her chest tightly.'You can stay in my room tonight okay.' The mother says to her daughter as she starts to walk out of the room with the child in her arms. 'O-Okay m-mama.' The little girl whispers as her eyes drop from exhaustion. The mother smiles down at the sleeping child as she makes her way down the hall. 

Never knowing the reason she went so easy on her child was because the little girl used her powers on her.Never knowing that the girl was not falling asleep as a result of being woken from a nightmare, but really was passing out from using her powers for the first time.  Never knowing of the light the gleams through the halls of a castle in another world. Never knowing that the child's father who thought she was dead, was being alerted that they have proof his missing child is alive. Never knowing that the man wakes his family to tell them their darling princess is alive. Never knowing that the child in her arms is destined for greatness. Never knowing of the true power that the small child really holds.

The woman places the child on her bed, before she turns to change out of her blood stained dress. The woman changes into her nightgown and walks back to the king size bed. The women once more lifts the child into her arms. She then raises the blankets and lays down never letting go of the little girl who just a few minutes ago uses magic on her. The women roles onto her side and puts her arm out for the girl to lay on. The women falls asleep with a smile on her face. Not knowing that because of this little girl she would have a peaceful night sleep for the first time in ten years. Not knowing that her once pure black heart once more became red even if it is only a little bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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