Practice and a kiss...?

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Hiya all folks of 2019!!! Are you guys ready for another yaoi story!! Cause I am here!!! Now this story is a collab. Written with lightguard34! Together we work hard to come across how to write this chapter and the entire plot and so far we succeed. I hope you readers love what we wrote! It's not the best but it's enough for you guys to enjoy and have a pleasant times.

The melody was heard in the room of the mansion, the sound of the piano and the violin.

The melody of the violin was soothing while the piano alluring sweet. Both of the music were in sync and neither sound strange but rather serene. Serene that illuminate the atmosphere in the mansion with heart warming sounds.

But the sweet melody was interrupted when someone knocked on the door.

"Damn What Now!" A swear and frustrated shouted scape from a certain CEO with ice sapphire orbs with brilliant chestnut brown hair, His glare the door as it most hated enemy and soon matched to see who it was.

"Kaiba calm down" a tricolored boy with crimson orbs said softly looking at the CEO, then turned to see who was at the door.

Seto ignore him and quickly jerk open the door. The oak door slam against the wall beside and a creak from in the middle. Yami slightly cringe at the other anger but he was used to it. He has known Kaiba anger was venomous and furious however, they was one sweet emotion only he known. How did he know? Well though long last friendship with him of course. Seto's glare dropped at his little brother standin g there with tray of two mug of coffee on them.

"Mokuba? What is it?" Seto asked looking at him.

"I thought you both can use some refreshment" Mokuba responsed cheerfully. Seto sighed in defeat and let him brother in.

Yami smiled at Mokuba who gave him the coffee and thanked him, then turned to Seto.

The elder Kaiba took it and shot Mokuba a suspicious look "aren't your tutor supposed to be here?" Mokuba panicked a little and smiled watery at his elder brother. The younger Kaiba gave his tutor the day off today so that he could listen to his brother and Yami music. He never get the chance to hear it peacefully. Whenever they started their instruments, the next his tutor would arrived. Yami chuckled at the scene in front of him and knew Mokuba was now red handed caught.

Mokuba sighed and looked at Seto "...I gave my tutor the day off, as he was a little bit I could listen to both of you playing the instruments, I always wanted to see you both..."

Mokuba states and flinched when Seto glare harden a bit
"You telling me the thruth?"

"Yeah! Except the part that my tutor is sick, but please! Let me listen to both of you" Mokuba said.

Seto was about to scold his brother but Yami stopped him by walking to them. The tri-multicolour hair man was led in the muddled of the brothers.
"It's alright Mokuba. Seto and I understand"
"Thank you for the coffee it's delightful" Yami responded politely and watched the young Kaiba gave him a bright smile.
"No problem. Hi you don't mind if I bring my flute do you?" Yami looked at his brother as if he grown head. He was about to decline when Yami once again cut him off
"Such little one go a head" with that Mokuba stone to his room to get his flute. Seto lips pursed and folded his arms. He watched his Yami went to sit down. He was about to drink his coffee when Seto glare stopped him in his track
"............" Yami sighed when he saw how Seto didn't reply back and simply nodded his head in disbelief and went to take his seat.
"Come in Kaiba not this again! Gave him some chance! You know he really wanted to play with us not to menti/"
"Please Yami. I don't want to hear your all wisdom speeches or advices!" Seto snapped
"We are supposed to practice for the up coming competition and you're not taking seriously!"

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