Yami kindapped

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"Big brother has his huge gaming test center over here" Mokuba said as they walked to the elevator and went to the top floor. Yugi smiled and jumped happily when they arrived to the floor
"It's so amazing!" Yugi said happily entering to the place.
Mokuba played with a Yugi and showed them new touch scan duelist his brother created and showed him all the high graphics 3D holograms. Yugi was amazed looking at the holograms. They started to play, always having the Mae life pours st the end.

While the kids hand out, Seto and Yami did a baby talk in private
"Okay from now, you won't carry any heavy stuffs not go anything heavy walk and you will always inform me before you start any work or do anything okay Yami and the reason I am telling you this because pregnancy is far fragile stage Yami and including protecting the baby inside you" Seto hold him as was being over protective of Yami.yami stared at him and smiled softly nodding, then he chuckled softly. Then kissed his forehead. Seto kissed his forehead back and hugged him was glad Yami understand what he said to him without any argument breaking between them. Yami smiled and hugged him by his neck. He sat in his lover's lap snuggling in his chest. The CEO let him snuggle as he looked at the computer to make sure he doesn't have anymore work ahead.
A couple of hours later, the CEO finished working and noticed Yami still awake playing with his hair gently. He chuckled and kissed his head.


Mokuba and Yugi Now played around the Kaiba Corp. They run around and played tag and had fun with each other.
Then they got tired from running, they went to walk around the place.
"It was awesome!" Yugi said happily, both laughed until they heard a loud noise.
"What was that?" Yugi asked as he heard the loud noise somewhere, Mokuba heard that to and tilted his head looking around. Tèa came out of no way and had a kinked in her hands as she run after Mokuba and Yugi.

"Run!" Mokuba felled grabbjng Yugi's hand going back to his brother's office, going into some ways to get lost of her and get to Seto.
"Big brother!!!"
Seto saw Yugi and Mokuba with Yea running behind them. He called the security quickly and soon five giraffes appear and grab Tea form behind.
"Let me go!!" Tèa yelled struggling hitting one of the guards.
The guests didn't listen to them but instead dragged her outside Kaiba Corp and throw her out. Yami came to them worried
"Did she hurt you?" He asked to Mokuba and Yugi.
Mokuba and Yugi shook their head and said
"No we are fine thanks to Seto"

Yami sighed in relief and hugged them kissing their head, then turned to his lover hugging him as well kissing his lips quickly. Seto return the kids happily and then decide to go home with them.

Soon they arrived home, Yami felt dizzy and shook his head, Mokuba and Yugi hugged them and went upstairs.
The CEO walked to his lover and carried him in his arms. Seto okie Yami on bed as. Decide to let him rest as he tucked him the blanket and switched off the light. He decide to make dinner as he let Yami sleep for a while.
After a couple of minutes, Yami woke up yawning, finding Seto coming to him, he kissed him on the lips.
Yami smiled and purred, he sat up and looked at him
"Dinner is ready love"
Yami nodded his head and went down stairs to have dinner.

They sat down in the chair, the. Thought about something
"How did she got inside?" Yami asked to Seto.
"Don't know may be the window" Seto told him
"I never thought that she'll have a knife with her...running to the kids.." Yami said whimpering.
"Hi look she ms gone don't worry about it and calm down Yami. Stress is not good for your health" he told him as he hugged him. Yami hugged back and hide his face in Seto's chest.
Soon, he calmed down and the kids came down to them.
Seto rubbed his boyfriend's back and said
"Have some dinner Yami please"
Yami nodded while Mokuba looked at his brother with Yugi, who was worried
"Big brother, What's wrong?" Mokuba asked to Seto
"Yami is worried Mokuba, I'm trying calm him down" Seto told his little brother.
"It was because of what happened before?" Seto nodded while holding his lover.
Mokuba and Yugi hugged Yami, who returned the hug.
Minutes later, Yami calmed down completely, then started to have dinner.

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