First Day

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Jimin smiled nervously as he zoomed through the city streets and to his school.
Here he goes...his fate...
He decided it wasn't going to be that bad.
His schedule looked a bit like this:
He gulped at the amount of classes he had.
He slowly walked into the building.
It was quite nice actually.
There were so many clear faces and so much brightly colored hair.
He walked into the math class a bit early.
He seen a very pretty girl with brown hair.

She seemed like the type of girl to rule the school so he walked right past her

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She seemed like the type of girl to rule the school so he walked right past her.
He spotted his (favorite)cousin Taehyung.
The bell was to ring in five minutes so he decided to get a rundown of how things work.
JM:Hi TaeTae!
V:Hi Jimin hyung!
JM:who's that cute girl sitting alone?
V:that's Sana...she's the queen of the school...
JM:she's hot...I'm gonna go talk to her...
V:Jimin wai-
S:Hey!You...sit down...
Jimin smiled and took a seat next to her.
S:you must be new around here...
JM:um...yeah I just moved here a couple days ago...
S:you have a cute smile...
He smiled brighter and she let out a little blush  realizing what she said.
Suddenly he was shoved into the ground.
S:Jimin are you Alright?
They turned to see a muscular guy standing over them.

JM:oof!S:Jimin are you Alright?They turned to see a muscular guy standing over them

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?:oops...didn't see you this seat taken?
V:um...excuse us!
Taehyung quickly pulled him aside.
JM:who is that a**hole?
V:dude....that was Mark Tuan...he's the star athlete of the school...he's also the hugest bully...
JM:what did I do to him?
V:he obviously has a thing for Sana....he wants her and she's not giving in easily...
JM:Well what do I do?
V:stay away from Sana...
Jimin marched back into class and grabbed his stuff from next to Sana's desk.
S:aww I wanted to sit with you...
Jimin mentally sighed as she gave a cute pout and had disappointment all over her eyes.
JM:yeah I'm just going to go with my cousin and he'll help me with the work.
S:oh okay....
Jimin sighed as he barely paid attention in that class.
Science wasn't much fun.
Finally...came choir.
?:ah!Mr.Park...would you please sit next to Rosé while I take role....
Jimin nodded and sat next to a orange haired girl.

Jimin nodded and sat next to a orange haired girl

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?: Jungkook!
As the teacher took role Jimin looked over at the girl he sat next to.
JM:umm...hi I'm Jimin!
R:Hey I'm Rosé...I haven't seen you around...
JM:I just moved here from Busan...
R:oh that must be nerve racking!
JM:yeah it sure is...
R:well don't worry I'll be your bestie so you won't eat lunch lonely...
They both laughed and started paying attention to the teacher.
?:so today is your first day and I have an assignment...
Everyone groaned.
?:So I'll need you to pair up with a partner to perform a song has to be either American pop or K-pop....
Rosé looked at Jimin.
R:wanna be partners?
The rest of the class was spent dedicated to the project.
And now came lunch.
Jimin gulped as he walked into the cafeteria where all the cliques were.
Rosé immediately motioned for him to walk over.
Sana also motioned for him to walk over but he immediately met eyes with Mark.
He glared at him making Jimin walk in the opposite direction.
Rosé scooted her bag over.
Jimin sat down and noticed the three other girls sitting around the table.
One of them had medium black hair,the other looked really sassy with brown hair and was on the phone yelling at assumably her boyfriend,the other girl was slightly shorter than Jimin and had blonde hair.
R:These are Jisoo,Jennie,and Lisa...
JN:One second...hi nice to meet you!
Sana walked over as they joked around and talked about various things.
S:Hi...mind if I sit here...
JN:Um... actually-
M:Ah! what's up misfits...
L:umm...that's not our names...
M:Lisette it's not nice to cut me off...
L:it's Lisa...
She muttered.
Sana smiled at Jimin.
Suddenly a guy walked in.
It was Kai...Jimin's best friend.
Kai however wasn't too happy looking.
He rushed to Jennie and they started arguing.
JN:Kai!I can't believe this would happen!
K:I'm disappointed too!
M:Can you two love birds shut up and eat?!
Kai stormed off.
JN:Bud out Mark!
M:What did you say?
He got closer to Jennie and grabbed her wrist.
M:Why I outta-
Jimin slapped Mark's hand off Jennie's wrist.
JM:get off her!
Mark glared at Jimin and knocked him off his feet.
S:oh!Jimin are you okay?
Lisa glared at Mark.
L:back the f*ck away from us!
Mark growled and stormed away dragging Sana with them.
Rosé bent down to check on Jimin.
R:Jimin...?are you okay...JIMIN!

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