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"What do you mean.."

"That's so not fair"

"You can be expecting a howler from my parents.."

" cheeky little fu.."

Harry was dragged out the great hall by Hermione

"Can you believe that" Hermione asked shaking her head pacing frustratedly
"The houses having to share dorms it's .. it's just terrible"

"Bloody terrible" Ron added face a shocking shade of red looking about to explode.

Harry was just in utter shock , he was sharing a room .. with Malfoy after that he had stopped hearing everything else he was surprised his legs were still holding him up

He felt bad for Hermione and Ron too
Hermione was sharing with pansy and Ron was sharing with Blaise they too were rightfully fuming but Malfoy! no one in the whole school could be as bad as Malfoy.


It was growing late , Harry had been trying to avoid the room all day he even considered going to hagrids and asking to stay the night ,
But Hermione and Ron had gone to bed already and Knowing he had to face school tomorrow Harry sulked off to his dorm.


Upon finding he would be sharing a room with harry , draco and had a fleeting moment of anger before considering the many ,many benefits.
Things like constantly being able to bully him , feeding the dark lord information, being able to keep an eye on the enemy at all times, the possibility's were endless.

He'd known Harry would be angry he had in fact counted on it in his many schemes of annoying him , but when a very depressed, defeated looking Harry shuffled through the door , draco was stumped.

"Hello potty guess were roomMAtes now" he  drawled emphasising the mates part 

No answer, harry just flopped on the other bed in silence

It only made draco more determined

"What's up with you potty , have an argument with your redhead" draco pulled a mocking sad face

"Ugh why you Malfoy, just my luck I'd get put with the biggest dickhead in the whole school" said Harry finally snapping

" you got the biggest dick part right potter"  how ungrateful of potter , who'd not want to share a room with him.

Harry stormed off into the bathroom without another word

Draco lay awake Harry's word echoing around his head " biggest dickhead in the whole school" "Why you Malfoy"
He'd show him , he'd have potty wishing he was freinds with him , he had just the idea.


Harry awoke with a start , where was he. Oh of course the was sharing a room with Draco. He could hear the shower running , dracos revolting minty toothpaste scent filled room .

Ugh he hadn't even thought about sharing a bathroom . harry face palmed , he was desperate for a wee , managing to jiggle to the door of the toilet he knocked

"Malfoy" " um can you hurry up in there , I'm kinda desperate for a piss"

The shower stopped followed by padding of some feet and rustling of a towel , to Harry's surprise the door opened

" guess it's your luck potter that I was just finishing" draco smiled his best smile, flashing his pearly white teeth at potter as he pushed past.

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