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We tend to get mad at God when something doesn't go our way

We go and blame Him for our troubles and our pains

We cry out "why," desperate for an answer

But God is looking at us face to face, saying "I'm right here."

I honestly find that we don't always think straight

I honestly find that we don't always use our brains

We get so entangled in our frustration 

So deep into our sorrow

That we forget who our God is

And that He will do,

what He said He will do

"Plans for prosperity, hope and a future," He says.

That includes hardships too.

Yeah, it's going to hurt

You're going to bleed

You're going to cry

But when it's over, you will be strong

You will stand with strength and confidence 

Not in yourself, but in the God who rose you up

Who allowed these things to happen 

Not to hurt you,

But heal you

It makes no sense

A  second wound does not heal the first

Nor does the third heal the second

But God is not limited to our sense

He is not limited to our human logic

If He were, than He would be nothing

For God exceeds all that we can think

God sees you!

Yes, He really does

He sees you crying

He sees your hurt

He sees your pain

And He allows it to continue


Because He is loving

Some say a loving God wouldn't put hardships on a Believer

Some say a loving God wouldn't allow bad things to happen

Some say a loving God would shield us from the pain

Others say that hardship is judgement for our failures

And that if we sin less,

it will go away

But those who say that have no understanding

Because just like a father does here on Earth,

Our God disciplines His Children

and He does it, for our very good

So don't give up

Fight 'til the end

You may feel like you have nothing left

But God will show you, that you have more than you ever thought before

Fix your eyes on Jesus

the Author and Protector

Remember the plans He has for you, and you alone

Not to scar you

Not to break you

But to heal you

To give you hope

To give you a future, and to give you life

As I said before, God sees your hurt

and He sees your pain

But He also sees you tomorrow

He sees you stronger

He sees you wiser

He sees you becoming more like the Soldier you are,

and less like the sinner you were

Satan wants you down

the angel knows you're a threat

but keep your head up

and simply hold your Father's hand

He will guide you, and lead you to where the ground is solid

To where you can stand on your feet

To where you can thank Him

For His Love,

For His Grace

And for having the heart,

to put you through what you went through,

so you could be so much closer to Him

and learn that He will never let you go


Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? ... No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. 

(Hebrews 12: 7, 11-13)

HardshipsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon