Chapter 11: Breaking Rule 1

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xx Chapter 11 xx

Please, please please with Harry on top vote and comment on this. I have no idea if anyone is actually reading...but I hope so!!

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“If you don’t hunt and ride horses for fun, what do you do for fun?” Pip asked, leaning over her pillow eagerly. The seven of them were all in the downstairs den in Tre’s bungalow. Pip was on the recliner, and Jin and Adam were tangled up together on the couch and Harry still hadn’t figured out if they were actually dating or just screwing around. Right now it was a tossup and he wasn’t leaning either way. Traci and Tre were sleeping bags on the rug, Wes on a fold out cot and Harry had an overstuffed love sack to himself.

“We…go shopping…and go to the cinema, and eat out at nice restaurants and hang out at each other’s flats,” Harry struggled really remember what they did do for fun. He didn’t have much free time to do “fun stuff”, but he couldn’t tell them that. That was rule three.

“And drink tea,” Jin said laughing.

“Yea, we like our tea,” Harry smiled. He looked over at Traci. She was smiling too, but when they locked eyes she looked away, hastily hiding her smile. Harry bit the inside of his bottom lip.

“Maybe someday we’ll all come to Britain and you can show us the ropes,” Pip eagerly said.

“Maybe,” Harry mumbled, mentally knowing that was impossible.

“Anyone want more?” Wes held up the bag of chips.

“Me,” Adam held out his hand, but instead Wes threw a handful of them at his face. “What the hell?” Adam spluttered, but collected a handful off the floor and popped them into his mouth.

“I’ll take a couple more crisps,” Harry held out his hands.

“Crisps?” Traci burst out laughing.

“Chips, or whatever you call them,” Harry was embarrassed but more so pleased that he had successfully gotten Traci to laugh.

“Yea and what’s a flat?” Tre asked.

“I guess you guys call them apartments,” Harry shrugged.

“You have any siblings, Harold?” Pip inquired, popping an apple slice between her red lipsticked lips.

“Gemma, she’s twenty,” Harry pulled his blanket up to his chin and snuggled into the love sack. “That’s it.”

“What do you guys want to do in the morning?” Tre asked. “Go hunting again?”

“No!” grumbled Traci.

“I second the motion,” Harry raised his hand and she shot him an unconvinced look.

“I’ve got it! Let’s go swimming in Cypruss Lake!” Jin clapped her hands together. “We always go swimming in the ocean, we haven’t all swam together in Cypruss Lake since summer camp senior year!”

“I second the motion!” Wes raised his fist in the air, chuckling.

“Me, too!” Traci said, smiling ear to ear.

“Sound good to you, Harold?” Tre asked politely.

“Sounds smashing,” Harry nodded.

“Ohmygod, your accent is so sexy,” Pip cooed and Harry gave her a wink, causing the color to rise to her cheeks.

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