Strangers / Lovers

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Setting his lips in a straight line, Yixing proceed to watch over his boyfriend who was talking with someone else. He's easily jealous, yes, but he's not one to leash it out. He often keep it to himself, thinking that the jealousy wasn't necessary. It was more of a wariness rather than jealousy. Sehun can talk with anyone, can spend his time with them. Yixing won't force him to set his attention solely on him.

Except for one.

He tries to ignore it, he lets it happen, they're friends anyway. But the laughters, the shy smiles, the staring, they all got to the point where it makes him feel bothered. They were all signs that none of them doesn't have feelings for the other.

And Yixing is tired of watching.

Hence why they're on a 'date' in a cafe. Yixing chose that time to be the moment to confirm his suspicion.

"Hey," Sehun gives him a smile and a kiss to his temple, an action that still gives fluttery feelings to Yixing. He takes the seat on the opposite side of the older, drinking the coffee Yixing ordered for him. "Thanks for this, by the way." Yixing tries to ignore the twisting in his chest when he sees his smile, he's really going to do it.

Inhaling softly and deeply, he stares at the wooden table. Seconds have passed without any words were exchange. Noticing the lack of smile on Yixing's face, Sehun rose a brow in question. "What's up?"


The gentle tone make Sehun feels uneasy. "Hm?"

"Do you still have feelings for Jongin?" He raises his eyes to meet Sehun's emotionless one, all trace of smile left his features. Yixing breathes steadily, hoping his heart rate would manage to keep its usual state. Sehun avoides his eyes, staring at the window instead. Yixing doesn't say anything, he let Sehun think about it. He gives Sehun time. Although he already expect what the answer is going to be.

It's the classic story. Two people who were bestfriends and in love with each other.

And Yixing wonders, why does he feels guilty when he's not the one at fault? But neither does Sehun. He's just in love. A man can't help whom he is in love with. And Yixing knows Jongin loves Sehun, and who is he to stop their love? He'd gladly step back to let them have their happy ending.

Instead of answering, Sehun only nods while still having his gaze by the window. Though already knowing the answer, it still make Yixing's heart contract. He really does like Sehun. He really, really does.

Sighing, Yixing nods back in acknowledgement. "Then let's break up. Go after him, Sehun. Don't hide your feelings. I know he feels the same."

"I'm sorry."

"Go, Sehun."

His brown eyes met Yixing's sad ones, and Yixing was surprised to see the younger's eyes have tears in them. "Yixing,"

Smiling, he says, "I understand."

And now here he is, all alone, just went through a break up in a coffee shop. Sehun left the place after Yixing told him to, he needed some time alone. To clear his mind. To cheer himself up. And Sehun, wiping his eyes quickly, nodded before walking away.

Letting out a small, barely visible smile, Yixing drinks his coffee. He knows the two are destined to be together and it makes him wonder — why did he accept Sehun when it was clearly the younger wasn't into him as much as he is to Jongin. Thinking back about it, it kinda makes him feel stupid. Being Sehun's boyfriend, now that he can think clearly, hurts him more than making him feel loved. He's glad he broke it off.

Blinking in surprise, he watch as the seat Sehun sit on earlier was taken by someone else. Staring at the latter with a confused gaze, he let himself secretly study the other. It was a man who has black haired tyed into a man bun, wearing a white t-shirt inside a black lambswool cardigan along with some necklaces. The man has piercing eyes, sharp jawline, and full lips. It makes Yixing forgot about his problem for a while.

"Are you alright?" The man asked, and to Yixing's surprise, his eyes show genuine concern and it makes him feel flattered. It makes him feel wanted.

Offering a smile, he says, "Yeah. Thanks for asking."

"Hey," Yoxing raises a brow as the male sheepishly rub the back of his neck. "–I kinda overheard your conversation with the guy earlier and I'm sorry, I know it was personal, but I accidently heard it. I'm really sorry." I know this is creepy and I'm actually kinda glad you didn't runaway, yet." The male chuckles before taking a deep breath, and then he leans closer, shifting his body forward with his gaze trapping Yixing's brown ones. "I just want to say that you should know you are loved, and you are beautiful. Even though he was your boyfriend yet he love someone else, it doesn't mean that you're not enough. You're more than enough, but you're not made for him. And he's not made for you."

His tone was so gentle, and his eyes are as equally gentle. It makes him feel like he's floating, it almost make him cry. This stranger who came out of nowhere suddenly said nice things about him and Yixing can't believe this kind of people still exist in this world.

Smiling widely, Yixing lets out a, "Thank you."

He can see the stranger's gaze oanded on his dimple and stays there for a few seconds before offering his hand with a gummy smile that Yixing adores, "Wu Yifan."

"Zhang Yixing."

They are sitting on the same place.

Sehun asked to meet up, he feels like he haven't apologize properly. He feels like they need to talk. He wants things to be better. Yixing is one of his closest friend, he does not want to lose him.

Sipping on his americano, Yixing waits for Sehun to say something. To say what he meant to say in their meeting. Drumming his fingers against the table, Sehun's lips finally parted to say something. "I'm sorry I used you. Though I genuinely liked you, I really did, but. . ."

"Jongin's the one you fell in love with."

Nodding solemnly, he mutters a, "Yeah."

"It's alright, Sehun."

"No, I just. . ." He ruffle his own hair in frustation, groaning at his poor attempt. "You deserve more than an apology. I really am sorry for hurting you and left you hanging. I'm sorry for all the things I did that hurt you. You are beautiful, Xing Ge. I didn't regret being in a relationship with you, I regret taking advantage of your feelings for me." Sehun reach towards both Yixing's hands, holding them tightly.

Yixing lets out a smile, caressing the younger's hand. "I know, Sehun. I understand. And I forgive you."

"You're always too kind." The younger shakes his head. "Can I hug you?"

Chuckling, Yixing nods with open arms. Sehun wrap his arms around the older with a big grin, burying his face on the crook of his neck. "You're the best."

"Thank you, Sehun. I'm glad you're happy."

After pulling back and returning to his seat, the two share a smile. A smile that shows their relationship is fine now. "So, are you seeing somebody?"

Feeling a little warmth on his cheeks, Yixing nods his head slightly. Sehun widen his eyes in surprise, glad that Yixing found someone. "Really?"

"Yeah, he's he—" Yixing didn't manage to finish his sentence when a kiss was placed on his cheek while the person's arms envelope Yixing to a backhug. Yixing smiles widely and Sehun was blown away by how happy he is. He never shows that smile other than the time when Sehun confessed to him and when Yixing won the dance competition. It was his happiest smile. "This, is my boyfriend."

"Hey." The stranger with a man bun gives him a half smile, diberting his gaze nack on Yixing's face with such a fond look. "I love you." He whispered, and his voice sends shiver down Yixing's spine it almost make him shudder. The voice was laced with gentleness and loving tone, Yixing loves it.

Smiling while returning Yifan's eyes, he caress the hands around his shoulders. He's glad he met Yifan, who was once a stranger turn into his lover. And Yixing was glad Yifan is there to always remind him that he is loved.

And that Yixing was enough.

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