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Author's POV:

The next day Alexandria woke up unbelievably on the floor of her room next to her best friends, Penelope and Danielle. No Nick Bateman. No Hannah and Jack. No Mr. Adams. No nothing. Everything was totally normal. She was back in her teenage body with all it's imperfection. "The fuck just happened?" She mumbled to herself. "Dani! Penni! You both need to wake up!"

"What's wrong with you?" Penny pinched her arm for waking her up 6 am on a Sunday.

"Let's go shopping." She needed to spend time with them.

"You never even liked shopping!" Dani cried out dying for more sleep.

"From now on, I do! I want to go on a diet, too! A healthy one that would make me actually like going shopping, but for now, let's just window shop." She smiled getting her hair in a high ponytail.

"Are you being serious?" Danielle asked shocked with the sudden outburst.

"You never liked diets or any of this shit.." Penny clarified.

"I know, but I want to be a healthy person. Not just for myself.."

"Is this because of Reynolds? Do you love him that much?" Asked Dani pouting.

"No! I just found out that if I.." She stopped hesitant. "You know what? I'm taking the bathroom first!" She said hopping inside the bathroom locking the door quickly.

"Oh come ON!" Whined Danielle.

"We are never going to wash our faces!" Penny said getting back under her sheets. "Have some sleep before she gets out." She added.


"Girls always trying to reach him. My opinion, he's out of everybody's league." Said Danielle checking out the latest collection of H&M.

"I'm sure he's a good person." Snapped Alex defensively. They were talking about her husband!

"He's a bit vain!" Penny honestly admitted.

"Just a nature."

"Yeah, and that's why the girl who would get to him would be considered the luckiest girl in town." Danielle said smirking.

"She would be!" Agreed Penelope. "And he keeps getting hotter and hotter everyday. That's a bonus."

"And he's not Jack Reynolds. That's another one." Added Danielle high fiving Penelope.

"Let's eat ice cream." Suggested Alex.

"Naah.. I have to go home. Mum needs help with the food and all for tonight." Said Danielle apologetically hugging them. "I'll see you guys tomorrow at school."

"And then there was two.." Alex said a bit disappointed.

"Actually I have to go home, too, but I'll pay for your ice cream." Winked penny dragging me towards the ice cream parlor.

After Penny bought the ice

cream to make it up for Alex, she left. There Alex was, sitting alone on a table for two trying to eat her ice cream peacefully while checking out the people passing by. "Can I sit with you?" Said a husky voice that she barely recognized. She quickly threw her head up to see who was asking to sit down next to her.

"Yeah, sure." She said moving her bag from the other chair. Was that really happening or was she just over thinking what happened earlier. "How was your week?"

"Good. What about yours?" Perfect.

"It was okay. I actually spent it at home." She shrugged smiling. "What flavor did you choose?" Asked Alex pointing at his cup of ice cream.

"Raspberry. What's yours?" He answered taking a small spoon of it.

"Caramel. Want some?"

"May I?" He said dipping his small plastic spoon in my cup.

"Sure!" she chuckled.

"You're with me in most classes, right?" He questioned making sure.

"Yup!" Alex nodded viciously.

"Why were you sitting alone?"

"Because, my friends had to go. Besides, I have no problem with sitting alone in a public space, for I am and independent champion." She sassily shrugged. "What were you doing here?"

"I was actually here to have some ice cream!"

"Just so you can have ice cream?" She blinked a couple of times.

"You know. Sometimes, you gotta have your special needs." Giggled Nick. "I don't mind pampering myself once in a blue moon."

"Good for you." She grinned playing nervously with her ice cream.

"So... What are you willing to do, today?" He asked scratching the back of his head nervously. Suddenly, her hands started shaking lightly. Was he really asking her out? "Are you nervous?" He smirked.

"No! it's just.. you're not really known for asking girls out or even hanging out with them." she honestly answered.

"yeah right.." he chuckled huskily. "so.. Your plans?"

"I have nothing to do. what about you?" She tried sounding easy, but on the inside she was literally dying.

"I'm willing to go on a yacht trip with my dad's assistant. Wanna come?"

"Are you asking me out?" She teased.

"Why do you girls have to be so hard?"

"I'm not hard at all.. I'm actually really simple which is why I'll mostly come with you." Alex honestly said.

"Well, thank you for not turning me down, Mrs. Simple." He said laughing lightly.

"I'll see you tonight?" She asked shaking his hands.

"You're not leaving me now! We're spending the rest of the day together till the time when we leave for the trip comes!" He decided dragging her from her hand gaining people's attention.

"And who are you to boss me around?"

"I'm the best thing that'll ever happen to you." He confidently answered intertwining his fingers with hers. "We're going to be the best best friends ever." He added sticking his tongue out for her.

"Yeah yeah.." She smiled shaking her head trying to figure out what she was going to wear for the night. Naah, scratch that, she already knew what she was going to wear ;)


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