Chapter 4

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Emily POV.

I put her on the counter, wiping the tears away.

"Ali this is gonna hurt so I'm really sorry in advance" I say as I grab a stack of alcohol swabs. All she does is nod. Opening the package, I stop for a second.

"If you're thinking about how ugly I look right now, I already now Em." She whispers. I gently move both of my hands to to her face and make her look up into my eyes.

"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen Alison. You. Are. Beautiful." I state softly because I mean every word. She is the most beautiful living thing on planet earth, in the universe even. Keeping my hands on her cheeks I continue because I can tell she doesn't believe me.

"Alison Dilaurentis you are so beautiful. The most beautiful person in the world. The first time I met you, we were 6, and even then I thought this girl is amazing. Beautiful and amazing. Trust me on this ok. Every time you start to think your not beautiful, text me and I will prove to you that you are." She smiles a small smile and nods again before saying "Ok. I love you Emily, I love you with everything I have. Hope you know that."

"I know now Ali." I say while smiling for a second and then resume taken out the alcohol swab from its package. I place it in the palm of my hand and grab her right arm. It has more red lines and marks then the left. I look at Alison and see shes looking away, towards the wall diagonal to her. Leaning down, I press a small kiss to the first cut and then swab and then another small kiss on the same red line. I look up making sure what I am doing is ok to see Ali looking straight at me with so much love, I think I might burst. Her eyes again tainted with unshed tears that she refused to let fall. This continued on with each line, Mark, scar on her arms and then torso. I still couldn't believe she thinks, thought she was ugly. By the time I'm almost done her stomach, I've gone through my stack of alcohol swabs.

"Do you have any more Ali?"

"Anymore what? More scars or swabs?" She asks clearly confused.

"Both." I state quickly.

"Oh um yes to both of them..." She looks down to her legs and hips, a place I completely forgot to look at for marks. "There are more swabs in the first aid kit im the kitchen, under the sink."

"Ok sit tight Ali, I'll be right back." I say reassuring her as I leave to grab the kit from the kitchen. I'm down stairs when I hear a knock on the door. Quickly searching for the first aid kit, I hit something hard. Another knock came and I finally found the kit, set it on the counter and ran to the door.

"I'm coming give me a second" I say opening the door.

"Paige... Um hey... What are you doing here?" I ask stumbling over my words.

"More like, what are you doing here? Why the hell are you with Alison! I know shes here to so don't say she isn't her bedroom light is on!" She screams at me.

"Paige calm down. Don't do this here right now, ok." I say trying to keep my cool but failing slightly.

"Oh really! You're cheating on me with her aren't you. Well shes just gonna freaking break you're heart again and I'm gonna have to pick up the pieces. Or are you to stupid to see that. God Emily wake up!"

My eye's go wide in shock. I was not some naive 15 year old girl anymore, following Alison everywhere.

"I'm done Paige. I am so done with being with you. You don't own me, you don't understand me. You think you do but you don't and you will not tell me who I am and what will happen. Alison loves me so you are wrong Paige. You and I are done." I say, not hearing Alison come down staires. She comes up behind me and wraps a hand around my waist. Looking at her I see she is wearing a pair of sweats and a lose tank. Ali looks like she is about to kill Paige so I assume she heard what she said to me.

"You don't get the right to talk to her like that Paige. I would never, ever hurt Emily again. And also Emily doesn't need you to pick up the pieces ever she is way stronger then that. So I suggest you leave before I call the cops for trespassing." She states firmly.

"You did this. You took her away from me. Emily's going to realize that you're not worth it and come running back to me. Then everybody in this town will hate you officially." Paige yells at Ali as if I wasn't there witnessing what she was saying.

"Paige I think you should leave now. You have said your part. I'm sorry but there is no you and me. We are done." I say calmly.

"Don't worry I will but Alison your going to get what you deserve one day and nobody is going to be there to protect you. Nobody in your corner to help you and I can't wait for that day." Paige says burning holes into Ali with her stare.

"Keep talking pigskin." Ali says staring back with her signature look. Paige turned around clenching her first and turns back to Ali punching her in between her left cheek and eye. Gasping, I check Ali and go to turn to Paige to find her already at the end of the drive way turning onto the street. Looking back to Ali who is clutching her cheek and eye she says, "It isnt a big deal I'll be fine Emily."

"Come on Ali." Grabbing her arm gently, guiding her to the kitchen stool. She sits down while I grab some ice and wrap it in a cloth.

"Eventful night." Ali says bitterly.

"I am so sorry Ali I didn't know it was her at the door till I opened it. Here, some ice." I say giving her to ice filled cloth.

"It's fine, I don't blame you Em. I should be the one apologizing. I said some aweful stuff to Paige. I shouldn't have called her pig skin... I just heard what she said to you and lost it. She had no right to talk to you like that. I'm sorry for acting like that."

"Ali hun I freaking love you, it's ok." I say before pulling her in for a kiss.

"Ok thanks for understanding." Ali tells me pulling away. I step away from her leaving against the stove and see the first aid kit remembering that I still need to clean some more marks.

"Its late Em. We'll do the rest tomorrow." Ali says as if she could read my mind.

"Fine let's go to bed." I say, walking out of the kitchen towards the stairs. Ali follows into me into her room and sits down on her bed.

"Do u mind if I borrow a pair of sweats?" I ask.

"Sure, bottom drawer on the right in the closet she says while slipping under the covers. I start to change when I here her sigh letting me know that she is already asleep. Once I'm comfortably dressed for bed, I check my phone, 1:17 am. Knowing Ali she will be up at 7 am tomorrow even though its the weekend so I decided to sleep. Slipping under the covers I spoon Ali and just before I drift off, say "I love you.''

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