-Hogwarts Express and the Paper-

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"Beau! Beau!" Fred Weasley ran after his daughter as she bustled her way through the crowds to get a good seat on the train. "Beau, stop!" The girl finally stopped and turned around, her shoulder's sagging as her dad handed her a box of sweets, but she knew they were definitely not sweets.

"Dad, Mum will kill you..." Beau rolled her eyes as her Dad embraced her in a hug and rested his head on hers.

Fred laughed. "I know." Beau pulled away to see her Mum in pursuit. She started to panic and tugged Teddy Lupin's jumper.

"Teddy, hold." Beau ordered him as he also panicked and shoved the box top his jumper.

Delania Black smiled at her daughter. "Have a good term, sweetheart. See you at Christmas." She told her daughter as she kissed her forehead and turned to Teddy. "Be good, Ted."

"Yes ma'am." Teddy hugged Delania as he towered above her and was now even taller than Fred. "I mean mum." He winked and the saluted, causing the box of 'sweets' to fall out from under his jumper. Delania turned to her husband with eyes like lasers but Fred was already halfway back down the platform. Beau and Teddy laughed as Delania waved them both off.

"She'll kill him, you know that right?" Beau laughed with Teddy as they looked for a compartment.

"Beau, I've lived with you long enough, and I'm not that thick." Teddy laughed, stopping any a compartment and pulling open the doors. "Hey, losers." Inside the compartment sat Marcus Parley, Blake Nott and Gabrielle Wood.

"Ugh, Teddy honestly I thought you'd passed the 'I talk to myself on a daily basis' phase." Gabrielle gasped dramatically as she cuddled herself further into her boyfriend, Blake's, chest. Gabrielle was in Slytherin and the captain of their quidditch team as well as the keeper, taking after her dad, Oliver Wood. Though he hadn't been particularly happy when he found out where the Sorting Hat placed her. Blake, however, was a Nott, so his family weren't completely surprised, thankful if anything.

Marcus Parley was a very well reserved Gryffindor who like many Ravenclaws, spent half of his life in a library. So it was a mystery as to how on earth he'd ended up where he was. Teddy Lupin, of course, was in Hufflepuff just like his mum. He'd lived with Delania's family ever since his parents died and even though it'd been hard for Fred and Delania, he thanked them every day and even gave them breaks sometimes, travelling to the Potter household to terrorise Harry's family instead. Beau Weasley had dark hair down to her shoulders, dark eyes, and her father's nose. But not her father's height. Teddy often stood and looked down on her just to take the piss, even though he'd end up in the Hospital Wing, Beau was a Ravenclaw and Delania knew Sirius would've been proud.

The five friends had met in their first year, in Care of Magical Creatures which they all throughly enjoyed. They shared similar quirks, likes, dislikes, and even though they were all in different houses, they all played quidditch and cheered each other on when the others were playing and they were on the sideline. "Gabby, how was your summer?" Teddy asked, getting the same old grimace from the girl every time she knew she had to bring her father up.

"How do you think it was Lupin?" Gabrielle leaned forward as Blake gave Teddy a warning look.

"I don't know, that's why I asked." Teddy mimicked her as Blake pulled his girlfriend of roughly nine months back a bit, just so she wouldn't inflict too much damage.

"Awful." Gabby sighed. "Told my dad I was dating Blake, he flipped. My mum tried to calm him down but of course that never works, does it?" Gabby's mum was a journalist and probably one of the best the wizarding world had ever seen. She, like Delania, had had kids very early on in life. Gabby's sister Genevieve, was three years younger than her, in Beau's younger siblings year.

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