xx the form

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If you want to request a cover remember to PM me. I can't keep track of comments. 

①  Title of your book + author 

② Specify if your book is published or unpublished (I accept both I would just like to know!)

③ Genre. 

④ Summary.

⑤ Patience xx

Your summary must be detailed: 

🎕 What do your main characters look like? Do you have a cast? 

🎕 What is the mood? What is the theme? 

🎕 Are there any important symbols or ideas? 

The more detail the better your cover will be and the more likely it'll reach all your expectations!

Also, there is no need to ask if I will make your cover before sending the request form! Please send your request with the form listed here. I can only decide if your request is accepted if you send me the details specified first.

Can't wait to read your request, 

xxACROWNFUL, your bookcoversister

your bookcoversister PAUSED** (open in summer 2020)Where stories live. Discover now