Chapter 2 - Returning Home from School

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Chapter 2 - Returning Home from School

Anna's POV

The school day seemed to fly by, bringing to one thing I didn't want to do closer and closer, the thing I wished I could get away from. Going home. Looking at the clock in my last period, Art I saw the bell would be ringing soon for the end of the day, I started to pack my art supplies away and my sketch book in my bag so I could finish the wolf pack design at home if I had the chance.

Zipping up my backpack I slung it over one shoulder and waited for the bell to ring, sure enough it rang loud and clear through the empty hallways. I stood up and rushed to the door knowing if I didn't I would be crushed in the corridors if I didn't get out fast enough. Speed walking down the corridor to the quad I rushed to the gates of school. Once I was outside the school grounds I began running down footpath to the woods which would be the quickest way home and an easy way to avoid Landon and his offer of a lift home. Reaching the sanctuary in the cover of the woods I slowed my pace to a walk, albeit a fast walk but a walk to admire the plants and animals while still getting somewhere.

Ducking under the trees I found the path that would lead me home, my house is in a rather unusual place, the middle of the woods, Landon offered me a lift home every day as he thought it might be rather dangerous with all the creatures in there that could cause a problem but I knew if that happened I would welcome the death, I had nothing to live for. Brushing the big branch of the cedar tree away I walked quickly up to the front door of the large house, how we had money to buy it was still a mystery, I picked my key out of my bag and unlocked the door rushing to my room to change out of my uniform into some ragged, ripped blue jeans, a holey grandma stripy sweater and my very old pair of worn pumps.

After dragging a brush through my messy hair I threw it up into a ponytail and rushed back over the corridor to the kitchen to the money jar where I knew I would find this weeks shopping money as shopping night was on a Wednesday, that being today. Grabbing the jar I lifted the lid and saw I was correct, removing the money I saw I had £40 to spend, better than last time I thought to myself, having only £10 to spend for the week, we ended up having rice and instant noodles all week! Not fun.

Moving towards the door I picked up my coat from the little cupboard near the door, walking outside I grabbed my key from the plant pot, closing the door I locked it and began walking into the woods to begin my walk to the store. As I entered the forest I pushed the branches aside so I could see the roots, preventing me from falling on my face. The walk to the little path I had made was short so as I walked along the path there weren't many tree branches in my way, although the tree roots couldn't be moved at least I could see them so I wouldn't fall.

After walking for about 10 minutes I reached the fringes of the woods. I walked along side the edge of the road near the forest that lead to the town where I would find the small grocery shop, pulling out my very old bashed up phone and opened up Twitter (A.N I know old phone's don't let you go on Twitter but pretend this one does!). Looking down my tweets I noticed that One Direction were going shopping, at some mall, probably in London I thought to myself. I started to compose a tweet, @OneDirection haha wat a coincidence im off to the markets near Frenchgate in Doncaster! Have fun :P

Closing the phone I began walking into town towards the market, only to stop a few yards later as my phone sounded, telling me I had a mention, pulling it out of my back pocket I looked down at the screen, 1 mention, @Anna_Laney_Johnson cool what sort of things you after? Zayn xx






Fan girl moment!



Ok done, Anna relax you have to answer the question.

@OneDirection just some groceries, things like that

See that wasn't too hard was it. No, I guess not. Huh I'm going crazy now, having conversations with myself, totally normal. Putting my phone back in my pocket I carried on to the markets.

Upon reaching the edge of the busy market I searched around for everything I needed, hearing my phone beeping but decided I would check it when I was finished. After walking around the market a few times realising that the pharmacist stall wasn't there today. Great, I thought, I have to go into Frenchgate now. Moving swiftly past the stalls trying not to bump into too many people as my ribs were still a little sore along with my arms where dad had gripped a little too hard and finally reached the end of the market, right to the shopping centre now I thought making my way towards the entrance of the mall, the automatic doors opened as I approached. Entering the centre I noticed that it wasn't very busy, thanking the heavens I moved towards the escalators, running up them I reached the top pretty quickly and walked into to pharmacist.

Grabbing the paracetamol and a few other tablets I made my way to the tills, paid and walked back out and down the escalators, the automatic doors letting me out, my phone beeping reminded me I need to check what it was beeping for, in case it was my dad. Walking over to an unoccupied bench I placed the bags of shopping down by my feet and unlocked the phone, Twitter, 5 mentions, 5 PM's, 2000 new followers.

WHAT? Checking the mentions first I noticed they were from all of One Direction's personal Twitter accounts, the same with the private messages, as for the new followers it looks like because One Direction are tweeting me everyone decided to follow me, wait more mentions, uh oh I think my phone might crash in a minute I'm getting that many mentions and followers. Fun! Time to see what the tweets from the boys said...

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