Salaria Clover

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The name is Salaria Clover. I grew up in Ash Burrow with my family and noble clan. My parents were the head at the clan we called Rohdium. One day a group of assassins killed all the grown-ups in Ash Burrow. So, I had to take the responsibility as the oldest at the time. I was only 10 (3 in human years). We got to another village, Hommlet. A salesman told us about an orphanage that was close by. So, we went there, they took us in with open arms, gladly helping lost cups.

The orphanage was mostly dragonborn cups but there were some races I've never seen before. Among them was a girl, her name, Hero. She was the most beautiful, breath taking creature that I've ever seen! Hero was my roommate, she wasn't the friendliest person at first and it seems that she's been through some hardships. She was not like the others. She had violet hair, horns and strange markings. Even though she looked more human than rest of us. Our care takers called her sometimes tiefling though we had no idea what that meant.
Time passed, I have decided that I had to go on a journey to discover who I am. Hero was now a good friend of mine. We both agreed to send each other letters and I promised I would come back, hugging her tightly. Before I could go she handed me a baggage and told me not to open it until I was far from Hommlet.
I had gotten far into the forest, it was getting dark so I made a little camp.
When I finished building a fire and hunting for some food I sat down thinking about the baggage that Hero gave me. No, I should not think about it right now. I have a long journey ahead of me. I went to sleep.
The morning after I headed back on the road. I had been walking all day barely taking any breaks since I was eager to learn. I finally found a small town called Leeside. It was a lively town and many bards, wizards, warlocks and clerics showing their talents at the streets. I find a small tavern where I could rest and get something to eat. I walk in and everyone stops what they are doing, staring my way. I think nothing of it and sit down asking the keeper for something to drink and eat. As I sat there quietly flipping through a book that I had brought with me, a tall human sat down across from me.
"I have heard the rumours about dragon people but never seen one up close. You are quite different from the others." He said looking at me curiously.
"Thanks? The name is Salaria, what can I help you with?" I ask clearly weirded out by him.
"I'm Luke, I'm a paladin and serve the great god Bahamut and we've been searching for someone like you to join our team." He picks up a shield that was lying beside the table, showing me a symbol of a dragons head.
"A paladin you say? And what is it that your team does?"
"We help the weak, towns people and others in need all for honour." Luke said proudly.
"What's in it for me?"
"We will teach you the ways if a paladin and you'll get to feel the glory of helping others."
I thought about it for a moment. It sounds like that I'm in for an adventure. I smile.
"Well Luke, you have yourself a deal." I stick out my hand and he shakes it.
That's how it all began. A group of paladins and a dragonborn going on a quest to defeat the evil and earning the glory. They thought me well. And I never forgot to send letters to Hero telling me all the adventures that we went through.
One evening we were sitting by the fire telling stories of many adventures we had been through. As I got up to get my water sack I suddenly remembered the baggage. I quickly take it out of my bag and open it up. Inside were three things, a pendant, a golden dagger with some weird writing on it and a letter. I fiddled with the pendant and saw that there were some strange markings in it as well. I didn't know the language. I opened the letter.

Dear Salaria,

We have known each other for some time now and there was always something about you, but I never could put my finger on it.

You are special and never seize to amaze me and I like you for that. You'll find two things inside the baggage, a dagger and a pendant.

The dagger is a magical item made from a real dragon scale. Though I never found out what the runes on its blade meant. The pendant is my life saviour. It's something that has been around my neck since I was a new born and helped me through many life threats. I want you to have it.

One other thing.

I never knew how I should have brought this up in our conversations, so I am writing it down for you.

I love you. I have loved you since the day we met. You are like the light of my life, the bane of my existence and I never want to lose you.

Please come back safely.

Sincerely Hero

I found tears starting to form and running down my cheeks.

She loves me back.
"She loves me back!" I yell from the top of my lungs. The other party members were startled, Luke came running towards me.
"Is everything okay!?" I laugh, showing him the letter.
"It's more than okay! I'm in love!" Luke sighs in relief and pats on my back.
"Congratulation kid!"
I put the pendant on me and sat back by the fire gazing at the stars knowing that Hero was looking at them as well.
It has now been few years and I finally decided that it would be time to get back to Hero. I told Luke that since we were soon going to pass by Hommlet that I was going back. He nodded in approval.
"It is time that you head back to your loved one but there's one thing that I must give you before you go. Here, take this." He hands me his shield.
"I can't possibly take your shield. How will you defend yourself in combat?"
"Salaria, I am getting old and need to retire. My bones cannot carry this shield any longer and it would give me great pleasure to know that someone that I care about will take care of it."
Tears start flowing down my cheeks.
"Thank you. Ever since my parents were killed I never knew where I belonged. But thanks to you I finally realized it. Thank you, Luke." I hug him tightly.
Hommlet. It's been too long. I walk down the streets. Then I saw it. I know those horns, this hair from anywhere. There she was, clueless that I was back. I start to run. She finally looks my way and I see tears in her eyes. I grab her, tackling her to the ground. Kissing her over and over again. I was home.
A year later it was our time. We married and adopted Mica, a sweet young girl from our old orphanage. We started civilization and we called the village Lucky Clover. But this was just the beginning.

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