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    I was alone the day my letter to U.A came in. I walked into the living room and I shakily opened it and a small black disk fell out. I touched it and it glowed before a holographic video popped up. I sat down on the couch and watched. All Might explained that he was now a teacher at U. A and that'd I'd been accepted. "Congratulations, Young Akuma! And welcome to U. A High!", he said before the holograph faded out. I sat there for a moment, processing the fact that I had gotten in then jumped on and screamed. "OHMYGOODNESSIGOTIN!!!", I yelled then grabbed my phone. I called Izu and waited. "Aku! I was just about to call you!", he said excitedly. "I got into U. A!", we yelled in unison. I ran out the door in my tank top and sweatpants and ran over to Izuku's, still on the phone, past a running Katsuki who gave me a weird look.
   I knocked on the door, hung up and waited. A moment later, the door swung open and Izu was beaming. I jumped into his open arms and squealed. "We made it!", I yelled, throwing my hands up. Izuku laughed, holding me up by my waist. My legs were wrapped tightly around his waist and his mom was watching with a smile. I was squealing and hugging Izuku' s neck. "Oh I'm so happy! We should totally have a-" "Star night!", he said along with me, ending the sentence.

    We laughed again then he walked backwards into his house, closing the door. I positioned myself onto his back and he turned to his mom. "Do you mind, Mrs. Midoriya?", I asked her. She shook her head. "I'll go start some snacks for you two if you'll get the blankets ready.", she said, walking into the kitchen. "Thanks, Mom!", Izu yelled then walked upstairs to his room. We grabbed as many blankets and pillows as we could, most of them All Might themed, and walked back downstairs. He set me down then we made our way up to the roof. "I wonder if Katsuki got in.", I mused aloud, walking up the fire escape stairs. "He probably did. He's so strong, he's sure to.", Izu said. I shrugged. "Yeah but his judgment gets clouded often. Especially when it comes to you. I wonder why he hates you so much.", I mumbled. Izuku blushed and shrugged as we finished the climb and spread out blankets in a small book we had found a while ago. It used to be a pigeon coop but we took it over. We had taken down the ramp and overall house but left the supports and the roof. It kept it dry and warm tucked in between the main heating system and an AC. It got loud sometimes but tonight it was off and perfect.

    Soon, we heard Mrs. Midoriya calling and I walked down to get snacks and things. "Oh, Akuma, dear, could you run to the store for me real quick? I need some hot chocolate mix, I just ran out. ", she asked me once inside. "Sure, Mrs. Midoriya, no problem. Thank you, by the way. ", I replied. She smiled, then her eyes lit up. "Oh! I just wanted to tell you, I had invited the Bakugou's over for dinner. ", she said as she walked back into the kitchen. I stood frozen for a second then said, "Alright then. I'll be back in a bit." I walked out the door, texting Izu about Katsuki and that I'd be back shortly.

    As I stood in line at the store, I tapped my foot nervously. "Oi, move it!", I heard from behind me and jumped forward. "Heh, sorry!", I squeaked and quickly paid for my things. Walking out, I felt eyes on the back of my neck but ignored it.

    As I turned the corner, I was yanked into a nearby alley. I felt a hand cover my mouth harshly and I dropped my bag. "Now, what's this? A nice....young....girl.", I heard be whispered in my ear. My eyes widened and I squirmed. My attacker grabbed my throat with his free hand and shoved me against the wall. I couldn't see his eyes, only his mouth which was twisted into a crooked smile. "Don't. Move.", he growled, leaning in towards my face. I snarled and my finger twitched. With that one movement, Sam appeared behind the man. He grabbed the man by the collar of his jacket and yanked him backwards. "What do you think you're doing to my lady?", Sam asked in a polite yet menacing tone. The man seemed afraid but confident at the same time. While Sam held the man, I quickly sent a SOS signal to Izuku from text and the street name. There were at least two others and I could only take on one while Sam held one as well. He is only a young demon anyway. And I could only summon one monster at a time. We'd just have to either stall or run until Izuku came to help.

    I felt my arm being pulled and I was slammed to the ground. I looked up and saw another man. I snarled, angry now, and kicked at the man's knees. He went down with a cry of pain and I jumped up. Stomping hard on his leg, I heard a satisfying crunch as supernatural strength flowed through my body. Not broken, just a hairline fracture but it hurt enough to keep him down for a second. "Mistress, please get out of here! I don't need you getting hurt!", Sam said calmly, though obviously struggling to keep the first man at bay. I backed out of the alley, hating that I couldn't do anything to help him.

    Again, I felt arms link around me and lift me up. I kicked and struggled, but this man was stronger than the others. I felt a rag be pressed to my nose and I held my breath. "Come on, just cooperate. You won't escape us anyways.", the man whispered in my ear, his voice disgustingly husky. I shook my head, still struggling. I could feel my face go red from the lack of breath but I didn't care. No way was I going to get kidnapped after just getting accepted into the school of my dreams! Just as I felt lightheaded and about to pass out, I was ripped from the man's grasp as a battle cry was yelled. I heard an explosion and weakly turned my head. Standing there was Katsuki, looking pissed and smoke coming from his hands. I looked to who was holding me and saw Izu. "Izu....Katsu...ki....", I panted, suddenly very dizzy. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist as I felt myself pass out.

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