The Princess' World

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It was a rainy day. I was cleaning the kitchen, as usual after my lunch, when suddenly, I heard a loud noise just like a blow horn. It made me step out of my busy kitchen into the balcony, which is attached to the kitchen. It was drizzling slightly outside, the chill air touched my face made me feel afresh at once. I then found that the noise I heard is coming from the opposite balcony but, I barely could see anyone there. So, I sneaked a peek at their balcony to finally notice a little girl wearing a red dotted white frock, which is as cute as her. The frock suited her dusky colour well and her hair was plaited neatly to a single long braid. She was looking at the rain with an innocent smile, wearing a small lovely tiara on her head. Surrounded by lots of toys of different colours and some snacks, the child was enjoying the rain and her holiday from the school peacefully. Nobody was around to disturb her or ask her what is she doing, and there was no one to say her not to do this or that. She was free to do anything she loves and she looked blissfully engrossed in her own world. I observed everything silently, tears rolled down my cheeks giving a message to my mind that, today's beautiful princess of a home might turn to a hard working women of another home, who will not have anymore time to enjoy her own world peacefully, let it be even for writing a short story that comes to her mind like this. Still she will accept the new world happily, as women in India are not so self-centred and they love people around them more, than for themselves. They naturally give up on thier most loved things, like their hobbies, goals and achievements for the sake of their family's happiness. Womanhood in India have to be recognized for their hidden talents, goals and should be provided with time and support to develop the same and shine in the society.

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