1.Troy Bolton Needs To Roll His Eyes At Me

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1.Troy Bolton Needs To Roll His Eyes At Me

Waking up in my opinion is kind of stupid, stupid in a good way, but still stupid in a bad way. You catch my drift? It's stupid in a good way because waking up is a big achievement and barely anyone ever counts it as that, but I do because damn my body tries very hard to keep me alive and I'm forever thankful for that. But then waking up is also stupid in a bad way because you get taken out of dreamland and I never ever really get to have the ability to dream the same dream again, so that kind of sucks. Not to mention that it takes me absolutely forever to actually get out of bed, but doesn't everyone take forever to get out of bed?

I sigh as I continue stare thoughtfully at the High School Musical Poster that was carefully taped to my ceiling, it meant too much to me to tape it lazily on there so I made sure the tape was strong and precise, it of course had only Zac Efron on the poster since he is in fact my celebrity crush. He still kind of is actually, because I mean damn, have you seen that man's body?

A quiet lovesick-like giggle slips out of my mouth at the thought of him, soon smile starts to form on my lips as I started to relive the memories of watching every High School Musical Movie with my little brother and sister. I remember trying to hide my drool that would start to slide down my chin as Troy got his close-ups, I remember trying to explain to my sister why I (a boy) was drooling over another boy at such a young age, even though I had no idea what I was saying; it pretty much all came out as a frightened incoherent babble. I also remember getting cut off by my sister giving me a kind knowing smile as she pointed a tiny finger to her drool too. I guess Troy Bolton was invented for a reason, the reason of young boys drooling over him and realizing that they have a thing for dick.

Don't even get me started on the present-day Zac Efron, like damn, God spent a little more time on him I guess, no wait, I know.

The birds started to chirp loudly as they lazily flew away from their tree, that just so happened to be right outside my window, to go get their children's breakfast.

My smile instantly drops all the way to Hell as I realize why I am up at the butt-crack of dawn, today is the official last first day of highschool I will ever have, it's my Senior year and I still am not prepared. Not that I actually like school because that's a big N-O, but I'm just not prepared to see all of those odor-ridden imbeciles again, to be completely honest.. I kind of forgot about them over the summer, I forgot about school over the summer, I thought I was done. I thought I had slept through graduation when it started and someone just handed me my diploma, while I was still in my peaceful slumber with drool gracefully sliding down the corner of my mouth, as I lazily snored my speech I hadn't even bothered to prepare. I had thought that I'd lost that diploma over the summer. But in reality, it hasn't happened yet, in reality I'd have to wait an eternity just to arrive at graduation. In reality, I was very upset that my fantasy was ruined by none other than school.. again.

I groaned as I realized that I also totally forgot about all of the summer parties, well shit, I'm literally going to be the actual loser of the school. I'm going to get none of the inside jokes or any of the stories they chat and gossip about, because I missed the parties over the summer, when I did practically nothing at all. I had time, a lot of time actually in fact, but why I didn't go? I don't know. I sighed as I brought my gaze back to the over-sized taped poster that I look at way too much for someone who's going to be graduating highschool soon, but hey, once a Wildcat always a Wildcat!

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