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The War Of Groups and Gangs.
It all started with the 4 Symbols. Those 4 Symbols were Diamond, Charm, Heart, and Spade. Diamond and Charm were both furious with Spade because of her "unparticipation" of the First Era War. But Heart defended Spade, saying its choice to go in the War or not! So, Diamond eliminated Spade's creations and army. Heart was furious. And so, she decided to put an end to this. She "killed" herself and Diamond and Charm were depressed. Heart actually transformed into an Human-being. She then found the only Spade Ally alive. It was a baby, but she took it in. That was only the end of The First Era.

A 10th Grader went to a school called "Riverside High". He then solved the mysteries and hidden secrets of the school. That's where he met her, Erica, The Last Spade Ally. Both of them formed allies, killed the students of Charm and Diamond. Some Heart Students remain but were captured. They then found Charm and Diamond, stating that he killed Heart. But, Heart appeared, reformed to her actual form. Sadly, the boy died, and Erica ran away but then, Heart put Charm in a box and she was stuck inside locked in. This is now where Erica continues her story.

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