
19 1 4

Well, I've all but killed the story. I changed so much when I edited the first chapter I've not only shortened it to half of what it used to be at least but doubled the editing time for the second chapter. I've also done an epic fail on Lilly's personality, I have several chapters drafted all about her bubbily and cheerful personality and attempting to make jokes in the most serious of situations. This just doesn't feel like the Lilly I wrote, since I can tell some people have read the story I think there are a few options here.


Hope I backed up chapter 1 and re-edit it to more suit Lilly's personality and hopefully make it more interesting


Change Lilly's personality to fit the chapter


Throw Lilly into a different time period, four of which I can think of

Later on in the ATLA animated series

Around the comics period after the TV series

Korra's time in the series.

Korra's time before the series.


Or just not write the story, or put it on a hiatus or on hold until I can turn it into more 'quality' work.

Comment please!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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