Scene 1

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Scene opens on ROBIN, alone in their room. ROBIN is a young transmasculine person wearing too-big men's clothing (hoodies/ jeans/ belt/ socks could work). They have choppy short hair and have a pair of sneakers nearby, next to the bed that they are sitting on. They hold a notebook and take a deep breath, then read its contents aloud.

ROBIN 'Dear universe. Do you know what it feels like to desire death? Because I do. My name is Robin, and I'm seventeen years old. I'm from a small town in Iowa, and I am transgender. Yeah, I'm transmasculine and nonbinary, and I use they/them pronouns. But you wanna know what I've learned in my seventeen years on this planet? I've learned that I mean nothing. I don't matter. When I'm dead, the Earth will still turn and the sun will still rise because I have no worth to this world. Parents- please don't mourn too much because there's nothing really to be sad about except for that you've failed as parents. You've not failed because your child ended up gay, you've failed because of what you did to me once you learned that I was gay. As I recall, Father, you left the house and never talked to me again, just giving me these harsh looks. And Mother? You hit me and you kicked me and insisted that I was wrong. You are abusive, emotionally, physically, everything. So I'm done. And besides, what about my friends? Or rather, my lack thereof. Lexie and Kayla and everyone else- get your shit together. It's time to realize that the world is changing. Telling someone who just came out to you to just "kill yourself" is kinda the worst thing you can do. No, I'm not going to hell for being transgender. No, I'm not some cursed thing. I'm a human, just like you. And it's about goddamn time you start acting like it. My only "friend" happens to be some random other transgender kid named Ezra, who occasionally says hi to me in the hallways. So Ezra, I thank you. You're the only reason I've lasted this long before doing something. I guess that at this point I'm just rambling, so let's wrap this up. Basically, Universe, you just killed a transgender kid. Yeah, you did. Your words and your hate and just you did. So don't go acting like I had a choice. Goodbye forever, Robin. They nod, satisfied Well, Lexie, you told me I was going to hell for being gay. I guess I'll see. And Kayla, if you want me to just "kill myself," I guess that's all that's left to do. Their voice cracks as tears well up in their eyes. Wiping them away, they take the note, fold it up nicely, and place it on their pillow.

Then, they stand up, take a deep breath, and run off toward center stage for a long time, where they eventually run straight into EZRA and HAZEL. EZRA is an attractive boy wearing a nerdy shirt of some kind and has pants with rainbows on them. HAZEL is a cute girl wearing a funny shirt and leggings and flannel, as well as combat boots. EZRA catches ROBIN in his arms, holding them for a moment as they stare into each others eyes.

EZRA Whoa, Robin! It is Robin, right? I heard correctly?

ROBIN Yeah, yeah, that's me. Look, I'm really not feeling well right now- I have to go somewhere and-

HAZEL Shhh. What's wrong? I can tell that something's wrong.

ROBIN It's nothing. Please. I have to go-

EZRA Listen, we heard about half an hour ago that you ran away. Now, I don't know any of the details, of course, but obviously you need some kind of help right now. What can we do?

ROBIN hesitates, then shakes their head Nothing. I'm fine. I just need to-

HAZEL Robin. We can help. Please just tell us what we need to do.

EZRA nods at Robin, giving them a small smile.

ROBIN I- I- I can't do this! They sprint off stage, taking EZRA and HAZEL by surprise, who exchange a glance.

EZRA I've got a bad feeling about this, Hazel...

HAZEL Why do you say that?

EZRA I don't know. I just... you know?

HAZEL nods We'd better go after them.

EZRA Wait! We don't even know where they're going!

HAZEL Then let's hurry up!

EZRA Let's go! He sprints offstage in the direction that ROBIN ran

Lights go down as HAZEL follows him off-stage.


A Letter From a Transgender Kid to the UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now