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Brian had woken up by the time we arrived back home. He was snuggled up on the sofa with a fuzzy blanket and a book, probably on astrophysics, looking well-rested and quite content. This brought the the brightest of red to my
cheeks accompanied by a large goofy smile that I couldn't hide if I tried; he was so adorable. Making an effort to attempt to hide the colorful bouquet of flowers behind my back, I creeped up on him and tapped on his shoulder, breaking his concentration.

"Jesus! Don't scare me like that!" He yelped, his hands no longer grasping the book. However, his face lit up when he laid eyes on me and he planted a soft, innocent kiss on my lips.

"It's nice to see you too, Bri," I chuckled, turning the slightest bit red under his hot gaze. He grinned adorably, tempting me to ask the big question. I wanted him to be mine so bad.

"Whatcha got there?" He asked, his eyebrows raised as he noticed I was hiding something behind my back. I blushed before handing him the bouquet, my eyes refusing to meet his.

"I, uh, got these for you," I muttered, my eyes looking down at my feet and pulling out the bouquet of tulips from behind me. I heard him gasp softly, and he took them from my hand.

"Roger, I love them. Thank you," He smiled warmly, pulling my face in with his tender touch to kiss me. Smiling against his kiss, I cupped his face with both of my hands and moved closer towards his seated body. He pulled me onto his lap before running his tongue over my bottom lip. I responded by opening my mouth further to allowing him entry, and he explored the crevices of my mouth. I slipped my hand to the bottom of his shirt, but before I could slide it up against his smooth skin, the sound of one clearing their throat caused us to leap apart.

"I expect he liked your gift then," John awkwardly blushed from
a few feet away, a piece of toast in one hand and a box of condoms in the other. "Oh, and these are for you two."

He sent the box of condoms in our direction with a small toss and I caught it with box hands, turning bright red along with Brian, who was still under me. John nodded and shot us a little smile before rushing back upstairs and slamming the door with a thud that we could hear throughout our thin-walled house.

"Shall we?" Brian smirked, gesturing to the condoms. I bit my lip and nodded before attacking his lips with mine once again. Clothes were quickly shedded and soon there was no barrier between his bare skin and my own.

"I love you," He told me after the whole ordeal, our fingers intertwined in a firm lock and our foreheads pressed against each other. I flicked my eyes towards him, my electric dolly blue eyes meeting his warm hazel ones.

"I love you. Much more," I whispered back. A smile lit up his face and he kissed my cheek, his lips lingering on my skin longer than usual.


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