How my story begins...

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It all started when I was three... My parents were off and on... Fighting all the time about bills, money, and insurance. I grew up with one sister, her name is Sky, my moms name is Miranda and my dads name is Henry. My name is Ally and this is my story.

when I was three

"Calm the fu** down your making our daughters cry!" My mom screeched. "Me?! Look at yourself! Oh wait you do that every second of every fu**ing day!" My dad yelled back. Me in my three year old mind didnt know what to think. I was crying because I knew that something was wrong, I knew that they were fighting but I didnt want to beleive that. I was sobbing so hard that I didnt here the rest of their fight. This was the first time I saw them fight like this. They have never fought like this in front of us, my sister and I. It scared the crap out of me. My dad is an alcoholic... which didnt make things any better. The next month or so, my parents got divorced. My dad took me and my mom took my sister. I was only three and my sister was four but, we knew that things would never be the same again. We were heart broken. Not just the fact that our parents got divorced but, we thought that we would never see each outher again. The only time Sky and I ever saw each outher was when we went to school when I was five and my sister was six. The only problem is that we were in different grades. When I was in kindergarten Sky (my sister) was in first grade. Atleast we saw each outher at recess. Oh and my dad got a girlfriend and her name is Alice. She is really nice though.

Time skip to 5 years old

"Get up hun." Alice said kindly. "I'm up, I'm up." I said with a smile. "Arn't you exided for your first day of kindergarten?" She said with an enthusiastic expression on her face. "Umm yeah kinda." I said shrugging my shoulders." Ok, well I was gonna make some eggs is that ok with you?" She asked. Yes that will be perfect thank you." I said happily. "Mmk come down when you are ready." She said with the sweetest smile. "Ok I will!" I said. (after I got dressed...)"Hi Alice~where's dad?" I said with a confused look on my face." Oh, your father went to the store." She replied. "Oh... ok thanks Alice!" I smiled."Oh no! Your gonna be late!" She exclaimed." HURRY HURRY!" She yelled. Ok lets go! I yelled back.(at school) Ok bye Alice! I said."Bye hun have a good day at school!" She said as I opened the car door. I will! Bye! I yelled as I closed the door. I walked to my classroom slowly Examining every person. It seemed I have been walklng for hours when I finally got to my classroom. And opened the door. I quickly glance at everyone that's in here so far and then quietly take a seat. Hopefully no one will want to sit over here. I thought to myself. I wached as someone walked over and asked for my name." Hi whats your name?" She said with a smile on her face. I-im Ally... I said quietly." Nice to meet you! Im Olivia but you can Liv!" She said loudly. Nice to meet you too. I said with a nervous tone." Can I sit next to you?" She asked. Sure. I said with a smile."Thanks!" She said sweetly. No problem? I replied."Whats your favorite color?"She asked. I like orange. I responded."Thats cool! I like green!" She said almost in a wisper. I like green but, it's not my favorite. I said."Okay class I am your teacher for the year. My name is Mrs.Smith."My teacher said exitedly."Now, class your each going to stand up when its your turn and say your name, favorate animal and your faveorate color. Starting with you." She exclaimed."Hi my name is Noah my favorite animal is a dog and my favorite color is red."He said."Nice to meet you Noah." Our teacher said with a joyfull tone. (A few people later) Umm... H-hi my name is Ally my favorite animal is a duck and my favorite color is orange..."Nice to meet you Ally." She said with a smile."Hi my name is Olivia but you can just call me Liv my favorite color is green and my favorite animal is a deer." Liv said with confidence.

Sorry its a little shorter than I wanted it to be... anyways please enjoy!
See you in the next chapter
Bye my little croissants!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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