Sick (SoRiku) -Sora's Side

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"No way!"

"Eat the damn soup, Sora!"

This had been going on for a while now. Earlier, Riku went to the Mysterious Tower to help Sora with his magic but Sora never showed up. Concerned for his friend, he went to Sora's house and found him laying in his bed still asleep. His mother said Sora was sick, so Riku offered to take care of Sora until he got better which was proving to be a difficult task.

"Why can't I have some chocolate?"

"I don't know, Sora. Why can't you have some chocolate?" Riku was getting annoyed.

"Because you won't let me!"

"No, it's because it won't make you feel better. Soup will."

"No!" Sora crossed his arms. "I'm not eating any soup!"

"I'll let you have chocolate after you get better. How's that sound?"

Sora's eyes lit up. "Really?!"

"Yes. But you gotta eat your soup first."

"Okay." He started eating his soup.  "Riku?" Sora looked at him.


"Thanks for taking care of me."

Riku smiled. "You're welcome. Now keep eating your soup! Or do I have to feed you?"


And that's how Sora spent his sick day with Riku.

Written on: Sep 19, 2019

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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