-Chapter 2: Talkative-

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The group of hunters came storming down the trail to find the wolf and finish her off. They saw the house and it seemed to have grown suspicion to the hunters. The leader stepped out of the group and said, "I think this is the wolf's den..but there's a door..." One of the group members yelled out, putting their hand in the air, "I think it's a transforming wolf! Like the ones that can have a fural form and a human form..get it?" The leader, Shane, looked at the girl with a confused and 'what the hell?' type look. 

"Um. No. There's no such thing as that. Stop jumping to conclusions. Not possible"

"But it's an acient-" the girl tried to say but Shane abruptly interrupted "I said shut up!" He yelled at her.

 "Alright then.." she felt embarrassed and began to play with her fingers. Shane then knocked on the door, which brought a distraction from the inside.

As Shon and Mercury heard the knock, they got frightened. "Is that them?" Shon asked, concerned.

 "Most likely," replied Mercury as she stared upon the door.

"Is anyone in there?!" Shane yelled, trying to look inside despite the curtains who kept him from doing so. 

"What should we do??" Asked Mercury in a panicked voice. 

"I think I know what to do.. In the meantime, go to your room kiddo." As she walked to the back room Shon took a deep breath and opened the door. What he saw frightened him a little, but he didn't shake at all. "Hello" he said, trying to sound friendly. 

"Ah, hello." Shane grinned slightly upon relief that the door opened.

They shook hands. "We had seen a wolf run down this way, by any chance, had you have seen it?" 

"May I ask your name first?" Shon asks as he crosses his arms and raises a brow

 "Oh? Oh! I'm sorry. I'm Shane, the leader of the hunters here.." he stepped aside to give the younger male a view.

"Well, Shane, you do know poaching in these woods are illegal, right?"

 "Yes, I'm very aware of that." he chuckles nervously.

Shon looked as if he was about to punch his face in, and sighed, keeping himself from doing so. "And what if I DO help you find it?"

 "Well... there's no catch for you. But we could give a quarter of the ransom I guess.." he began to stuff his hands in his pockets.

"But what if you end up catching, and killing the wrong one?" Shon asked, leaning his head in

 "Well, that's our fault. It won't stop us from killing the wolf." he gave a look of suggestion.

The young man was way too close to looking his cool. 

He then looked down at Shon's hand and then turned his back to the other to ask one of the members, "Ain't that the same arrow you shot at the wolf?"

"Yes, that is correct," one of the members replied from the small crowd.

He then looked back at Shon. "Well my, my. You're hiding somethin'" he said with a small laugh.

Shon clenched the arrow. "I'll stick it down 'ere throat, lass." He looked angry. He didn't wanna be messed with, and this guy sure was erking his nerves. 

"Give the wolf to us. It has to die sooner or later."

 "No!" He yells, then slams the door.

Shane grunted. "We'll get that damned wolf one way or another." He walked away from the house, turning his back to it.

He put two fingers up and waved it back and forth, "let's move out"  and so they did.

The pack of hunters walked down the trail never to be seen again.

Or will they make their next move?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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