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Today was the day of the awards. Jimin walked towards To his lovely Friend Taehyung, "Hey Tae-Tae Please take care over Yoongs Please don't Drop him Cause He'll get hurt Badly!" He said softly "Don't Worry Jimin I'll protect him!" he said as he Revealed his boxy smile. Jimin also smiled and went back to getting ready.

<Meanwhile with Yoongi>

Yoongi was just finishing getting ready, since they all had ten minutes, but Yoongs was finished. So he decided to chill for a bit, Soon the ten minutes passed by really fast, and Yoongi decided to get Up and walk a bit but later Taehyung came "Hyung! Here let me help you" he said as he carried Yoongi on his back and both of them walked out to the front part where they were going to sit.

<A few minutes later>

The broadcasting started then after a few hours of seeing all of the other groups being announced or nominated as winners of something BTS Soon came on as one of the groups being nominated "Best Song"(I came up with this Sowwy)

"And The Winner for Best song of the year Is BTS!!" The MC announced BTS got up and hugged each other as for those other groups got up and clapped for them.

BTS Walked up the stage well almost all of them Tae Gently walked with Yoongi on his back, then after a few minutes Tae placed him carefully down.

RM thanked everyone for their award then once he and the rest were done giving their mini speech they all walked back and sat back down until the very end of the show.

<Time Skip>

BTS were once again in the backstage getting ready to go back to their dorms as Yoongi started to pack his stuff a little note Was Slipped under the door of where he was.

"Don't think that only because I didn't talk to you, you might of thought that I was jealous, I wasn't!! I actually went to Tae and told him to be Careful with you!! Just so he wouldn't drop you Anyways hyung I actually hope that you sure do get better of your leg.


Yoongi walked over towards the door, and smiled, as he grabbed the sticky note, and gently folded it placing it inside his pocket. Once everything was packed him and the rest left back.

Once they got back at their home, everyone went to their room, and rested since they went back tired. As for Jimin He decided to stay up for a bit along with Tae and Jungkook. "So me and Tae are going to play a few video games..well if you don't mind?!" Jungkook said as he scratch the back of his head "No, Don't worry Anyways I agreed with Yoongi that I was going to stay with him tonight so You too could have fun playing games, just please don't stay up to much!" Jimin said as he smiled "Don't worry hyung we won't we will go to sleep once we get tired." Jungkook said as he grabbed Tae's Hand and Left to Tae's Dorm to play Super smash Bros (let's just put a random one :'D)  "Have fun you too" Jimin semi screamed as he waved goodbye and went to Yoongi's dorm.

"Hyung, Are you sleeping yet?" He semi whispered as he walked inside, "No I'm just laying down" Yoongi replied as he saw Jimin getting closer and laying next to me as Yoongi adjusted him self closer to him "I Wouldn't sleep without you~" he cooed softly as he closed his eyes.

"Good Night Hyung!"

"Good Night Jimin-ah"

((Oof well this was the last Chapter I hoped y'all enjoyed it mah Doods ;v;))

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