2 years ago

8 0 0

How do you write about something you've never experienced?
Life is something I have yet to experience.
I'm only 16 after all,
what could have happened to me that people would care to read about?
I had a suicidal best friend whom I no longer talk to
My Grandpa died of cancer
My cat died
My brother is dating a girl who is only about a year older than me and has a 2 year old boy(He's adorable!)
I've never been close to my dad.
I'm pretty sure that I'm the result of a one night stand because I can't imagine my parents together at all.
I live in a pretty small town
I live in a growing town
I am definitely the result of a one night stand
I haven't talked to my father since September 17th, 2017
My brother married that girl and in addition to my nephew,
I now have a 7 month old niece
I have a different cat
Grandpa has been dead for 2 years
That suicidal friend seems to be doing better
I'm only 18
My life experiences are unique
My writing is improving

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