The City of a Thousand Spires

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Imagine a vast, yet compact city with large church like structures every ten buildings or so. Structures with spires so high that you can't see the top of them from the ground. Viewed from above the clouds, the spires appear to be floating in a vast sea of white foam. The sky above glows orange, like an oil painting; a vista of only the finest artists creation. On the cobbled streets below, it's a different story. Poverty is rife. The living conditions for most are squalid and desperate. As you near the centre of the labyrinth like design of the city you see the biggest spire of all. The spire of the Palace of Souls. So called, because it's long deserted by a royal family who, hundreds of years ago, lost their grip on power. The gates to the centre if the city remain locked and guarded by a kingsguard that is accused of preventing the people from stealing the wealth within. For many years, no one has seen a member of the royal family. Yet the daughter that was single handedly responsible for them losing their power is heralded as a martyr. Statues of her can be found all along the walls that surround the city. She is worshipped as the saviour of the people. Darkness falls across the City of a Thousand Spires and a house fire lights up the slums

The City of a Thousand Spires - Book One - Rage and the Inquisitors Where stories live. Discover now