Unknown Killer

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I'm walking in a dark and abandoned old train caboose that somebody left out here in the middle of nowhere. My Aunt took me here because she said that she was going to throw a party for me and there was a lot of people. I was standing in the middle of a crowd of people in one room laughing and talking then suddenly I just get this urge to look around. It was like I was looking for something that wasn't there. I walk away from the party and try opening a few doors when they wouldn't open I tried this other door at the very end of an empty hall.

"Weird why is there only one door down there?" I thought to myself and I went to check it out. When I tried to open the door it wouldn't open. Then I don't know why but I had the need to just open the door so I hit myself against it once...twice...then on the third time it finally opened. When it opened I felt a gust of wind escape it almost like that wind was trapped there for ages, but that wasn't what had left me standing there. The room itself looked as if it was burned everything was a crisp black. Then I noticed something on the walls at first it looked like red paint maybe from some stupid graffiti artist, but no it wasn't paint it was blood. Someone had written on the walls with blood! The writings were hard to see, but I was sure that one of the words on there was 'Death'.

Then all of a sudden I found myself running trying to get out the train. I don't know why, but it seemed more like I was running away from something...or someone. All the doors that I had opened earlier were closed and locked all except the door at the very end of the train. Then I started hearing screams from the party the other way and I started running to the very end of the caboose. Before I exited the door I could've swore that I saw something like black dust pass through the door before I did. I jumped over the rails and ran towards my Aunt's car. I got in the back seat and sat there while breathing heavy. Then all of a sudden my door started to open slowly and I shut it quickly. I held onto my door as whatever was out there tried to get in. I looked at the other doors to see if they were locked and they were, but why was mine the only one unlocked then? Suddenly as I felt whatever was out there give up I locked my door, but what came next left me wishing that I had let it open my door and kill me.

The car started to roll forward towards the edge of the cliff. I started crying hysterically when I heard something in my head.

"Thank you for letting me out." it said. The voice was male and not really a deep voice. I turned to look back and I saw a tall white man with a butler suit on and short black hair pushing the car. I tried to yell at him, but it was as if my voice was caught in my throat. Then when I looked at the train it was moving as well. When we got to the edge of the cliff The young man gave me a little smile then pushed the car off along with the train. "I'll see you later my little savior." He said to me and laughed then next thing I know everything went dark.

When I came to I was in a large court room with a lot of people. It seemed that I survived that fall with just a few scrapes and bruises, but something had kept me alive through that. I was in the box that was next to the judge and she seemed to be asking me something, but I couldn't hear her. All I could hear was that same laugh that played over and over in my head. When I looked up I could see the very same man at the very back of the room with a black hat on him. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at his face and I noticed that his eyes were not a natural color. They were a blood red color, and they looked hungry for death. He smiled at me and kept laughing. Nobody else seemed to notice him only me, but he was right there why couldn't anybody see him.

"Miss Walker this court finds you guilty. I am sorry but you will be sentenced to death in three days for the deaths of the people at your party from two months ago." Said the judge. Then there seemed to be a large uproar of people screaming and shouting.

"She's innocent I know she is she would never kill anyone"

"What are you stupid it's obvious that she killed them why would you be so stupid and blind"

"Noo! Please don't kill her please she's way too kind to die"

Then after that last outburst there seemed be silence and the young man on the wall wasn't there anymore. Then there was screaming and yelling of terror as I saw a black dust swirling around killing people. I looked at it in horror and started crying again as I watched people get torn apart one by one. Then when I watched closer it looked as if he was only killing the people who said that I was innocent.

"S-Stop it! Don't kill them! Everyone if you just say I'm guilty and I should die then you won't die please just tell me I'm guilty." I begged while crying but there was only silence in the room. I looked up and everyone was gone the only people that were there were the corpses of the ones who thought I was innocent. There was also that man walking towards me with that smile on his face. I tried to get up and run, but my legs wouldn't work and I just sat there crying.

Then when he was directly in front of me his smile disappeared. He touched my cheek gently and the shackles on my arms had broken off. "Do you really want to die or do you want to live?" He asked me in almost an angry tone. I just sat there and looked terrified as he kept touching my cheeks. Then with his other hand he started to rub the top of my head as if he was trying to calm me down. "I asked you a question now if you don't mind please answer it." He said in a very impatient voice. I looked up at him surprised and not scared. Somebody had actually wanted to hear what I had to say for once. I wasn't scared anymore, but I was calm.

"N-No I don't want to die. I want to live." I said as calmly as I could without my voice shaking. He looked almost satisfied and stood up straight.

"Then since you are my savior I will grant any wish you have until your time actually does come." He said while bowing in front of me. Then without thinking I jumped out of the box and hugged him while crying. Then I could feel him smile and pick me up as if I were a baby and carry me out of the bloody room of the people who thought I was innocent, but I wasn't. I had killed my friends and family with the help of my new friend. His name was......

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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