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Hi okay so this is going to be kinda a rant then some basic shit then next chapter imam add some art bc like, I'm actually in the mood to do so.

If you get triggered by things like cutting it's only gonna be brief but it will be included in this so I thought I'd just want to warn you!

Okay so like, we did this thing in math because my math teacher is like, super into having class talks and helping all of us out ya' know and she asked us what are confidence level was. And being the super not confident self conscious person i am I put a negative ten fucking thousand on the board because like hell do I think I'm a damn god.  And so everyone laughs and tells me I'm awesome all this made up shit and the teacher goes and says "we need to talk about that hun." And I laugh it off because I thought she was just kidding you know? But no. She pulls my mom off to the side at an assembly, tells her she's "worried I'm 'not getting better' from how I was before" and yeah I did cut myself before and I'm very ashamed of it because I know I was just hurting myself and others, by doing stupid shit like that. So my mom talks to me about it and me not realizing it, thinking, oh I'll just go back to that stupid ass therapy thing. No, I could have gotten take by DCFS because if my teacher would have turned it in that I had said that, my parents would have got me and my sister taken away. So I don't have a phone right now nor my iPad, or switch, I'm not allowed to read any wings of fire books or any thing fantasy that's not monitored, I can't do shit. So I'm very lucky I got out of my house because I wouldn't be able to do anything right now.  So.... Yay?

Also a little bit more whining and I'll start working on my art,

Has anyone scratched their eye on a contact? Because I did that and it hurts and my damn dog won't let me sleep, it's been fun I tell ya. 

Any way, love you peoples(?), and I'll uh, get to work.

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