I'm just doing me (chapter 2)

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Long overdue guys I'm so sorry to all of you. See I have an idea but my mind just won't put it down on paper. Anyway I'm saying f*** writers block!

But rusty with my writing but I hope it's okay x


Magazines. Newspapers. Celebrities. Models. Fashion. Skinny. Tan. Makeup. Nails. High heels. Sexy. The list goes on and on. The life of a typical teenage girl these words are indented into her. She thinks it's normal. It is isn't? I mean it's what she's been taught from a young age.

'Pink is for girls darling and blue is for boys'

'Girls draw flowers and boys draw cars'

'Dolls are for girls love and action figures are for boys'





It make it normal for her. They give her the idea that perfection is the front cover on a magazine. They tell her what size she needs to be. What things she should associate herself with. They write out her life for her without giving her a change to see. To see that beauty isn't all about outer beauty.

But that beauty true beauty is about what's inside. Beauty is not about mere appearance. True beauty comes from inside. The more you show who you are the more beautiful you will be. True beauty lies deep within. No matter what you look like on the outside. If you know you are beautiful nothing can change that. To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. You need to learn to love yourself for who you are not what people want you to be. It's not her fault. It wasn't my fault. I feel into the trap. They caught me. They let me believe it. I fell for their idea of perfection. But after I had it all I learnt it was nothing. Nothing because I didn't love it. I didn't love who they had turned me into. Who they had made me became. I learnt to see the world differently. I learnt to accept myself and once I did that nobody. Nobody could put me down. Because I learnt about what matters.

I had wasted a lot of time looking in the mirrors but now I like what I see. I know, I know I'll never be perfect. I know, I know but I gotta to work. I don't want you to love me if your not gonna love me for me.. Because ME, I am my own kind of perfect and so are YOU


I have no idea how this is but I'm just going to press that button on the side and see what you guys think about it. Sorry for keeping you waiting. I'll try my best to update regularly but with school now I think it will be slow updates. I hope this has been worth the wait and I won't keep you waiting this long in the future

Vote, comment and tell me honestly what you think

This chapter goes to all the girls out there who don't see the beautiful people they are. Don't listen to what someone else says to you cause who are the do judge when their a diamond in the rough ( who says)..

Love you all xx

And me putting a quote down here which I really like: 'the beauty of a women is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a women is seen in her eyes, because it's the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a women is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows and the beauty of a women only grows with passing years' ~ I don't know who's this quote :'(

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