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I'm running through the woods. Although it's a deep night a full moon lights my way. And here's the problem. The full moon.
I don't wanna do it. But I have to. It's our family ritual, a test that proves we deserve our name.
I stop. I can hear a howl. They're close.
From behind my belt, I pull out my gun. I reload and aim the gun in from of me. The howl sounds again. There's no way back now.
I slowly keep going from one tree to another. I need to be completely silent not to frighten them away.
He's behind this tree. I can feel it.
I take a deep breath and carefully look around. And really. There are six of them, maybe seven. All of them are adult, only one guy's already got gray hair. They're sitting in silence. Perhaps they're waiting for someone.
I make a step. A flaw. A branch under my foot cracks. Everyone turns in my direction. They don't way for anything and run away. Damn it.
What can I do. I follow them. They're too fast. I can't get them. I've got only three options left. I can turn around, go back and be the first member of our family who hasn't finished the ritual. I can continue running and hope I'll get them. No. None of these two options is right. I need to do a certain thing.
I lift the weapon in the level of my eyes. I'm good shooter. I don't wait and press the trigger. A loud blow sounds. It's followed by a roar and a blow of something heavy falling on the ground. Or someone.
I wake up to reality. I can't believe I did it. I ran to the injured one. He's still lying there, a bloody wound in his leg makes any move for him impossible. I don't get what I became.
I crouch to the elder man who's still moaning because of pain. I gotta help him. I can leave him here like this. I throw the gun away and try to get the silver bullet out of man's leg. Sooner or later he will start to heal. Their kind's benefit.
„Chris," a girl voice sounds from behind me. I know pretty well who the voice belong to. I also know pretty well I'm in a trouble. But I'm not a murder.
„This is not your task."
„Go to hell, Kate. I'm not killing him."
„Chris," my sister crouches next to me and gives me my gun, „we're not the bad guys. They are. Do the right thing." I don't understand her words. The right thing? What's right on killing an innocent huma… an innocent living being.
Man's eyes glow red. Perfect. Not only that I shot werewolf. I hit the Alpha.
„Imagine who you are when you kill the boss. The one our family's been after for years." I unwillingly accept my weapon. I don't wanna do it. I won't do it.
Just press the trigger. It's so easy." Easy for her to say. Personally she's killed about ten werewolves. In five years. She's still smiling. She sleeps calmly aware of her taking someone's life. It makes her happy.
„Kill him," she whispers. My hand's shaking. Even if I wanted… I couldn't do it.
„Kill him." I have goosebumps. I lay a barrel of my gun to man's forehead. I can't hold it steadily.
„Just press the trigger. Come on, Chris. Kill him!"
I press my lids together. Inhale, exhale. Come on, Chris. Just do it fast.
A loud blow sounds. I feel it. I feel his blood squirting on my hand.l, drops of red liquid covering my face.
Kate pats my back and gets up. I hear her footsteps moving away. And I finally open my eyes. I throw my gun away. I need to get from that shock. Well… I don't know what I expected. A hole in a head can make human nervous. Opened lifeless eyes. Ajar mouth ready to say a word. And blood. Blood everywhere. On him, on me. I try to wake up. Unfortunately, this is not a dream. It's reality. Now I'm a hunter. Now I'm a murder.

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