Failure is a Blessing in Disguise

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By Ms. Luna

Failure is a blessing in disguise

Failure. Mistakes. Everybody experiences it. I have , Many many times . But you should know, I took it positively, You should too. Taking it positively defines the phrase Failure is a blessing in disguise. Failure. It can and will affect us in many ways. To think of your failure as a great loss but wasnt expecting a blessing. What if we look at failure in a different way? Do you need a reason to not agree? NO. There are also many ways we can regain that loss. That mistake.


Do things that are not suitable for your skills. The things you cannot do.

"Do one thing everyday that scares you". A quote by an Anonymous. This quote wants to speak out the words Try out one thing youve never done before. Try and feel the hang out of these different things. Different things that can detail your skills.

My perspective of the word Failure depicts a poor Man. Very poor. Yet greedy. Poor yet in the wrong. But I also see Blessing in disguise as a gift, A turning point That poor man reduced his wrong doings, Turned his life upside down. That poor man completely changed. See? You, You can do it too. See through your mistakes and RESTART. REDO. Change your failure into something incredible. Change that mistake you made into a miracle. Something that you can call a BLESSING. You can try. Try and if you fail again, Do not lose hope. Just think of a way, A solution to make way for your goal. A way to your blessing.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." This quotation made by Winston S. Churchill. This man shared his thoughts, His way to success. Our failures are not fatal, You can still manage. Our success are not final, You never know when youll fall. Our courage to continue, matter most. It is to win or to lose. Your option.

Success is achieved through hard work. Your success is in your own hands, Your mind, You whole body. YOU, The on in charge.

I as a student, as your classmate, am telling you to not fail, never lose. I believe in YOU, AND ALL OF YOU SHOULD DO TOO! Do not rely on others to much, You can do it on your own. Figure out each situation by YOURSELF.

I, personally had failed, A blessing came. It struck me, I wasnt paying much attention to my surroundings. My teachers, Classmates, Friends and especially my beloved family were my blessing. They had always been. I wanted to be alone—To be left lonely. But I saw myself. My pathetic self.

All those around me, They taught me, Guided me, Helped me. Help me through my struggles, my challenges and my biggest failures. Myself. That can happen to you too. Because I believe that each one of us has our own struggles, Our own struggles, Our own challenges. Every single one of us , Different problems. Problems of our own fear, Our weaknesses, Our failures.

Your failure will tell your story. A blessing will come, Wait, Be patient

and Believe. Consider time, Time you need to RESTART. To solve. To achieve.

Knowledge. Knowledge comes after time. Another key to a positive result.

After all this time, Youve gathered information. Information to what? Information to what more you can learn. Knowledge portrays your skills, Physically and mentally.

Trust, too is also a key to your success. A very important trait. Needed in order be knowledgeable. Being knowledgeable activates your efforts. Your efforts are one path to success.

What else? What more traits are needed to upgrade our failures, Turing it into success, Into Victory.

A saying from the former president united states "You can't let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you."

Failure is success in progress. Success is our achievement, The goals of our lives! I failed my way to success. I let my failure be the way to reach. Let it be, You will get an answer.

Failure is a cause of frustration and negative thinking but if we shall rethink ours role without expecting of high results and should meditate, focus about thinking both loss and successes and not to fear failure. Look ahead, Do not overthink.

What if I fail? I dont understand! I will never pass. I repeat, Do not overthink. As I said, Believing will be a guide to catch your dream.

Decision. Your decision to make your choices. Plays a very important role in the road of success.

Continue. Continue where you left off. Let your failure be the start to something new. You can RESTART if you have to, REDO if you need to.

So let it happen. Experience the thrill of having to fail. Dont be afraid to admit defeat. Your blessing IS yourself. Your life IS your success.

Whatever happens, Never ever Break.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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