One Day

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It's silent. The only sound I hear is the wind, and the silent cries from myself. The tears is streaming down my cheeks, they keep flowing. Never stopping. I am sitting alone on the swing on the playground. The sun is setting, and the city is slowly falling asleep. Everyone is at home, in their houses. But I am out here. Sitting on this swing, in the warm summer evening. Why you may ask, because I can't bear to go home, I can't face him, not now. The tears are streaming down my cheeks, I don't manage to stop them, I don't want to stop them. I finally allow them to show. The sorrow and frustration that I have been hiding for so long. I finally let it out. My heart is broken, and I feel empty.

But the tears will dry, and my heart will heal. It may take, no it will take time, but I know I will get there. One day, and then I will be strong enough to face you again.

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