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Midoriya [POV]

"I was supposed to see my dad at 7 for a punishment" he explained starting to tremble "Oh god I'm so dead" Todoroki turned and started to run back towards the door when Aizawa threw his hand out stopping Todoroki

"You will not be going anywhere at this time of night Todoroki you will be going straight to your dorms I'll deal with Endeavor he will not be allowed to hurt his children any longer" Aizawa reassured him

"No you really don't understand that will just make everything worse" Todoroki insisted shifting his weight from one foot to the other anxiously

"I told you I will take care of it" He insisted his face expressionless

"You don't need to I can take care of it myself" Todoroki insisted

"Todoroki do you think I haven't noticed how you come to class some days with scratches, bruises and burns all over you" Aizawa sighed "I cannot let this happen for any longer you are my student which means you're my responsibility and I will not permit you to leave the school grounds until this is taken care of"


"Todoroki Shoto this is final" Aizawa shouted making him jump

"Sorry" he apologized averting his eyes looking down at the ground.  I grabbed Todoroki's hands.  They were cold.

"It will be okay Aizawa will take care of it" I whispered to him

"mhm" he hummed in response wiping his eyes

"Let's get back to the dorms" I insisted but raised my voice a bit "It's been a long night and I want to apologize for that"

"Apology accepted" A few people shouted playfully

*Time skip: A week later*

Everything was better now.  There was no more incident on the rooftop and now it was off limits to the students.  Me Todoroki and Bakugo got scolded but at the same time a lot of consoling and other things.  Like Aizawa said he took care of Todoroki's issue with Endeavor and now Todoroki doesn't have to fear when he goes to visit anymore.  Bakugo stopped treating me like crap, at least somewhat.  All in all, everything was well, everyone was happy.

(A.N. so that's the end of the story I know that It would be a lot harder to convince a person out of jumping but I didn't really know what to write all I knew when I started writing this was that Todoroki was going to be the third one who is the hardest because he's got the most canonically depressing backstory in my opinion that would urge for suicide so I just want to say I'm not encouraging it but I just like the song and I got inspiration from it and I'm not even going to deny that but I hope you enjoyed it)

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