Sent to the ground

666 3 0

4 years later

Hopes POV
It has been 4 years since I was put in the sky box and my parents got floated. My sister only visited me once in the beginning and she told me that it was all my fault my parents got floated. So I have been drawing all over my cell to keep me busy. I also have been singing to keep myself busy. "Prisoner 197 get up against the wall." A guard said. I did what he said and he put a wristband on me. Wait I'm only 9 it's not my time. I yelled at them. They inject me with something then all I see is darkness.


I wake up strapped up in a seat. I turn and see a girl with blonde hair, hey what's going on? We are going to earth she answers me. A boy gets out of his seat and 2 boys follow him. Idiots I think. The drop ship shakes and the 3
Boys fall one even hits a pole. 1 of the boys lived the other 2 died tho. When I get to the door of the drop ship every one is running out into the sun. I slowly walk out into the sun. I walk out and an older boy with pale skin walks up to me. How old are you? he asks I'm 9 how old are you I ask. Wow your young and I am 17 almost 18 he says. What's your name little one? He asks. Um I'm Hope what is your name? I'm John but most people call me Murphy. He says. Well hi Murphy.

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