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january 4th 2019

unknown number, 1:18pm:
good morning boys <3

alex, 1:19pm:

george, 1:19pm:
are you two aware that we are well into the afternoon?

alex, 1:20pm:

unknown number, 1:20pm:

unknown number, 1:20pm:
had a long night uknow

george, 1:21pm:
right. getting fucked up and shagging stephen must have took a lot out of you

unknown number, 1:21pm:
it did actually

alex, 1:22pm:

unknown number, 1:22pm:
jealous, al?

alex, 1:23pm:

george, 1:24pm:
so are we really just going to act like our conversation yesterday didn't happen?

alex, 1:24pm:

unknown number, 1:24pm:
i wouldn't call that a conversation

unknown number, 1:25pm:
it felt more like an interrogation

george, 1:25pm:
cut the shit will

george, 1:26pm:
are you going to give us an explanation, or am i going to block you right now?

unknown number, 1:26pm:
jesus christ relax george. it really isn't that big of a deal

george, 1:27pm:
why won't you tell us then?

unknown number, 1:27pm:
i just wanted to give it a bit of time

alex, 1:28pm:
is it bad?

unknown number, 1:28pm:

george, 1:29pm:
just fucking tell us

george, 1:29pm:
why are you messaging us now will? it's a simple question

unknown number, 1:30pm:

unknown number, 1:31pm:
i'm moving back to london soon

unknown number, 1:31pm:
stephen and i found a nice apartment near where you guys are, unless you moved since i last saw you

unknown number, 1:32pm:
i was hoping we could see each other. be good mates again like we used to be

george, 1:32pm:
haha no chance

george, 1:33pm:
you must be joking

unknown number, 1:33pm:
see this is why i didn't mention it

alex, 1:34pm:
i didn't even know you and stephen left london?

unknown number, 1:34pm:
stephen didn't, he just comes up to mine a lot

alex, 1:34pm:

unknown number, 1:35pm:
didn't george tell you i moved? i know stephen told him

george, 1:35pm:
believe it or not, all of our conversations are not centred around you

alex, 1:36pm:
it would have been nice to know though

george, 1:36pm:
why do you care alex?

george, 1:37pm:
we've had a couple shit conversations with will and it's like you've forgotten all the shit he put us through

alex, 1:37pm:
i've not forgotten. i just want to move on

alex, 1:38pm:
everyone deserves a second chance

george, 1:38pm:
second chance? he's had thousands of chances

alex, 1:39pm:
it's been a whole year

george, 1:39pm:
so? that doesn't make it all ok

unknown number, 1:40pm:
alex, i really appreciate you defending me, but it's ok. i don't want you to argue with george because of me

unknown number, 1:41pm:
i've fucked up a lot. george is just being a bitter bitch because he doesn't want me to upset you again

george, 1:41pm:
fuck you

george, 1:42pm:
alex how can you not see what he's doing here?

unknown number, 1:42pm:
i'm not doing anything

unknown number, 1:42pm:
i just miss you both

unknown number, 1:43pm:
honestly i get why you don't trust me, but all i want is to talk to you both. nothing more. i've just missed my friends

alex, 1:43pm:
we've missed you too

george, 1:44pm:
of course we've missed you, but you fucked up our mental health. sorry for not wanting to deal with all that again

george, 1:45pm:
alex almost killed himself. you were off your face 24/7. we were having breakdowns every other day. it was hell and i can't go through that again

george, 1:45pm:
and i can't watch either of you two go through it again either

george, 1:46pm:
so sorry if i'm being bitter or whatever but i don't really give a shit

alex, 1:46pm:
i uh

alex, 1:46pm:
can't emotionally handle this conversation anymore

alex, 1:47pm:
i'm turning my phone off. please don't talk to me for a while thanks

unknown number, 1:47pm:
i'm sorry george

unknown number, 1:48pm:
i have changed, you know

unknown number, 1:48pm:
i love you both

unknown number, 1:49pm:
and i wouldn't ever want to put you through all that again

george, 2:13pm:

unknown number, 2:13pm:

george, 2:14pm:

george, 2:14pm:
i'll give you another chance. we can keep talking like this

george, 2:14pm:
and if you don't fuck this up, maybe we can meet up when you come back to london

unknown number, 2:15pm:
aye yes then thank you!!

george, 2:16pm:
but if you make one mistake, i'm gone. i mean it

unknown number, 2:16pm:
i promise i'll be a good boy for you😇

unknown number, 2:27pm:
too far? ok then

unknown number, 2:32pm:
i'm sorry george😫

unknown number, 2:37pm:
please come back

unknown number, 2:42pm:
fine then :/

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