Dealing with Tyrant

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Carlton observed the boy more watching his symbiote growl and spit at him. The boy's eyes swirled around with white smog while his mouth released red ooze. "Something is wrong..." Carlton said, holding his chin. The boy snapped at him, running into the glass and slamming his fists against it. Carlton was stone, not amused, not really scared of the boy or his symbiote. "Fucker!" His symbiote growled. Carlton snickered and Riot appeared out of his body. "Carlton, don't you think its time to do something about this?" Carlton looked over at Riot and shook his head. "How? He seems oblivious to my orders." Carlton sighed. Tyrant pounded his fist against the thick glass and growled. "You piece of shit! Torturing my kind like this! Humans I can see, but myself, I want to be free! Not locked up in this boy's body for your personal amusement!" Tyrant put his fist down and walked back to the corner, letting the scared boy take control. The boy cried, sniffling and balling himself up in the corner. He rocked himself on his heels and cried, screaming every now and then. " fears have become a reality." Riot said. Carlton sighed and walked over to his desk, pounding his fist into it and braking it in two. The boy jumped, gasping. Carlton twisted his wrist and growled, turning around to the boy. Riot slipped back into Carlton's body and stayed silent. "Fine, you want me to handle this?" He stormed over to the boy, glaring at him. The boy was petrified, shivering in tears. "I-I didn't do anything...p-please don't kill them!" "Quit your blubbering, brat. I have a request for you and your symbiote, care to listen?" Carlton smirked. The boy slowly shook his head, but Tyrant came out of his shoulder, grinning. "I'm listening." He said. "Ahhhhh!" The boy screamed, not seeing his symbiote in any other form besides his nightmares. "Wahhhh! Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry for not feeding you!" The boy cried, letting his nose run all over his red face. The boy rubbed his eyes and cried louder, drooling out of his mouth and nose. Tyrant rolled his eyes and grinned. "We will listen to your terms, that is, if it means we get out." Carlton nodded and grinned. "Of course, I only wish to make amends with one of my most powerful symbiotes." "Don't flatter me, we are nothing compared to Riot. You are simply trying to get on our good side." Tyrant hissed, flipping his forked tongue. "Perhaps I am, but that doesn't change the matter at hand." Tyrant nodded and leaned in closer. "Spill it." "Do you recall a girl being in here about a day ago?" Tyrant looked inside the boy's head for memories and nodded. "Yes, we seem to have a small memory of a girl, why?" Carlton chuckled and crossed his arms. "You see, that girl will be the finest host for Poison, another symbiote above Riot's level." "Hmm..." "My proposal is you find her and bring her back to me, where I can nurture Poison into her body and make her an ally." Tyrant snickered and shook his head, retracting himself back to the boy's head. "We are sorry, but we must decline." The boy quickly nodded, and Tyrant smirked. "You understand, right?" Carlton didn't make any sudden movement, which scared the boy. <T-Tyrant?> <Relax kid, we won't let him hurt you.> Carlton grew a big grin and he scoffed. "Oh, Tyrant, don't you see? If you don't do as I say...your host's family will die." Tyrant grunted and the boy sobbed. "No! Don't kill them! Please!" The boy wailed, making Tyrant growl. "Oh, what a shame..." Tyrant barred his teeth at Carlton and his anger boiled in the back of his throat. "I guess your host won't trust you anymore...and you might have to find another host..." Tyrant knew that was impossible. Tyrant targeted young children because they're gullible and easy to manipulate. Tyrant is nothing special to begin with. He is weaker than Venom, Riot, and Poison, he was lucky to even be accepted here. It's difficult for Tyrant to merge with an older human because of his personality. Tyrant has the same personality as a child does, reckless and loud. That's why he gets along with young hosts more than adults, because they can see eye to eye. Tyrant flinched and the boy sobbed. Carlton chuckled and pressed a button, opening the door. With no time to spare, Tyrant slipped back into the boy's body and forced him to transform into Tyrant. Tyrant was a slim grey figure, with long claws and short spikey teeth. He grew two times the height of the boy, stemming six feet tall. With a long and slender body, it made it hard to hit Tyrant. However, he did not have the bulk and strength like Venom and Riot had, he was only secluded to his own tricks. Tyrant growled at Carlton and roared. "Time to die!" Tyrant shot at Carlton and he transformed into Riot, slapping him to the side. Tyrant flew into the wall, bringing the wall down with him. "Gurgh! Dammit!" Tyrant groaned, getting up and out of the rubble. "Still as weak as ever, Tyrant." Riot commented. Tyrant grinned and flexed his fingers. "I'm not a cocky bastard such as yourself, I know when to stand down." Tyrant claimed. "That's your weakness, knowing to much for your own good." Riot snapped in disgust. Tyrant drooped his tongue out, flicking the tip to the ceiling, which was Tyrant's way of flipping someone off. "Whatever, at least I'm alive." "Who says I'm dead? Want to find out if I am or not?" Tyrant cringed as Riot raised his fist, about to punch him. Riot snickered and lowered his fist, making Tyrant snarl. "Coward." Tyrant averted his eyes from Riot and returned into the boy's body, leaving a screaming boy. "Ahhhhh!!! Why me!!!???" He screamed in tears, crying. Riot rolled his eyes and let Carlton take over again, making the boy scream louder. <God! Shut him up! He's starting to reach a high pitch scream close enough to hurt us!> Riot growled, holding his ears. "Yes, yes, I know. Child, what's your name?" The boy sniffled and wiped his bloody face off. "M-my name is Lucas Hollinger..." Carlton knelt down to the boy and held his hand. "Well, Lucas, we can get along well. If you help me, I will help your family, ok?" <Don't listen to him, kid! He's going to trick you!> Tyrant warned. Lucas ignored Tyrant and nodded. "What do I have to do, Mr. Drake?" Carlton grinned, evilly and patted the boy on the back. "My boy, you have just struck a righteous deal." Lucas nodded, not understanding what the word righteous meant.

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