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I woke up in a cold sweat. I had a nightmare that, well, I murdered.. my only family left..

I got out of my bed and looked at the clock. "4:27 A.M. huh?"

I opened the door, and started my way down the stairs. When I reached the common room, I sat on one of the couches. I pulled my legs up to my chest and silently sobbed.

I have been having this reoccurring nightmare that started a few weeks ago.


"Honey, what time is it?" Mum asked.

"Check it for yourself." I sneered.

"Quit being disrespectful! You will end up being a terrible person later on in life if you keep acting this way!"

"Well, maybe learn how to take care of your only living child! You failed to take care of one!" I lashed out.

"Do not bring that up!"

"It was all your fault.." I started to chuckle. "You killed him! It's your fault! If you would have taken him to the doctor instead of saying he wasn't sick he would be alive! You didn't care! And what happened when he died? Oh, you started to ignore my presence! Like I wasn't even here! Your a horrible person. Wicked. Foul. A murderer. You never cared."

She was shaking. "That's not true." She avoided my gaze.

I don't know what came over me. "Avada Kadavra." I killed her.

I went to my father's room. "Oh, father! Mother is terribly sick! I suppose she came down with what Jacob had!"

His expression became worried. He ran out of his room to find her. That's when it hit me. They killed my brother. Mother died the same way he did, just out of the blue.

They used the killing curse on him. They did it for the money! They even pretended I wasn't there!

"... [Y/n].." my father began.

"Yes. Father?" I gripped my wand.

"You.. you used the.. the killing curse... on her."

"Just like you did Jacob." My words were harsh.

"And just like I'm going to do it to you." I brought my wand up to his chest. "Avada Kadavra!"

He dropped.

My family is dead. No mother or father, no grandparents, no aunts or uncles. No Jacob. Just me.

I began laughing. I wouldn't stop lauging.

That's when I wake up.

~Nightmare over~

I knew my parents didn't kill him. They couldn't have. They didn't have their wands with them.

I start to hear footsteps, and my head snaps in the direction of them. It was Tom.

I sighed, and wiped my face off. I began staring in the fire.

"What are you doing up [L/n]?" He asks in a monotone voice.

"I could ask you the same, Riddle."

Silence washed over us. He sat on the couch opposite from me. I could tell he was looking at me.

"Where you crying?" He asks slightly amused.

"It doesn't matter what I was doing. Now shut up. I don't  feel like talking to you."

I hear a slight meow come from beside me. "Timber!" It was my kitten mother had gotten me. I picked her up and set her on my lap.

I stroked her neck and back, receiving cute purrs in response.

"A kitten?" He sounded disgusted.


"You could do better."

"I'm sorry, but my mother got her for me."

He hums in response.

"Do you know the time?" I ask.

"5:02 A.M. why?"

I have been down here crying for nearly forty minutes!

"I was just wondering."

I stand up and look around for any interesting books. I see a book in a hidden area, it was a book about the dark arts once again. I picked it up, and sat back down.

"Really?" Tom asked slightly intruiged. "I am going to ask a personal question if you don't mind." Wow, he actually cares about knowing my personal life. *sigh*.

"Go ahead."

"Are you interested in the dark arts?"

I stroked my chin for a second. "I guess. But I don't know if discussing something like this on school grounds is appropriate. But yeah, I find it intriguing."

He smirks a bit.

"Why? Why do you wanna know?"

"Oh, no reason."

I shrugged and stood up. "Well, I'm going back to sleep. Good night, Riddle."

"Good night, [l/n]."

I walked back up to my dorm. I plopped on my bed and went back to sleep. This time, a dream less sleep.

Lovely [Tom Riddle X Reader] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now