First Meeting

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Chapter 1

Love Young

The thing about college is no one's holding you against your will, but it sure does feel like someone would shoot you in the head if you failed one of your courses. I have a psychology test tomorrow at 8 am and a paper due at 12:00pm, but I am stuck in Jasmine Restaurant, serving the rich guy who acts as if it's too good to be eating here. In 100 years, he'll be irrelevant, but I have to be extra friendly to him because he has enough money to give me a lot of tips.

He brings his wrist up to his eye level, taps it, and glares at me as I pour him water in his cup. He's wearing all gray suits, and he has his coat sitting nearby. It's December and after the exam and that ten page paper, Christmas break would start. That's the only thing I am looking forward to.

"Sir, I don't speak sign language." I tilt the jug back and set it on the table.

"I was waiting for you for five whole minutes to get a cup of water," he says. This guy is blind or thinks that the whole universe revolves around him. The restaurant has been hectic. "When I want something, I have to get it." For such an attractive looking guy, he sure has the most monotonous voice. Thank god he's not my professor.

"It's nothing serious, sir," I say. "If you keep taking yourself way too seriously, your hair is going to get all gray and you'll start looking older than you actually are. At that point, even Korean skin products won't be able to save your face."

No one at this restaurant dares talking to him like this, they think he's God. I always see him around, but this is my first time serving him.  

He stares down at my chest and I move back. "Love, don't play with me." I realized that he was staring at my name tag. "Because if you kept playing, your boyfriend could become your ex."

"Sir, no offense and don't take this personally, but I don't trust the male species enough to have a boyfriend." I don't have the time to chat with him all day. My boss will yell at me. "Have to go!" I pick the jug back up and he grabs my waist as I turn around.

"Don't be in a hurry, chat with me, Love." He lets go. "I can buy your time. You are a very interesting, joyful girl."

Funny. He looks to be in his early twenties, so he's around the same age as me. I have met plenty of rich people before, but I have never met one that is pretentious as this one before.

"I can't get fired. Some of us don't have our mommies and daddies to give us money."

His mouth curves into a smile and raises his hand, looking past me. "Jackson, can you give this worker of yours a break? She's been working really hard."

"I sure will." I hear the voice of Jason as he hurries to me. He is the owner of this restaurant and my boss. "Give me the jug and you can take a break." He pries the jug out of my hand when he gets to me. People's attention is turn to me. They want me to ask them if everything's going well, like a waitress is supposed to. 

"Sit." He points at the chair right in front of him. "You may also order anything you like." He places his hand on his heart. "Be my guest."

If writing persuasive essays was as easy as unintentionally convincing this guy why I should have a break, I wouldn't have to have breakdowns regularly.

The whole restaurant smells like sushi and noodle bowls, making my stomach growl. He's sitting at the large window, by the lake and normally, people would only sit here if they come in groups. Of course, he gets the exclusive right, he knows Jackson. He's not touched his teriyaki or shrimp rolls.

"Planning on becoming an Instagram famous food photographer?"

"If you sat, I'd answer all your questions you have about me."

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