Let's Talk Again

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Chapter 3


My head is a lava that is about to explode, and my eyelids are carrying rocks. What happened to me? I can't possibly be in my dorm room because I just moved out yesterday. The bed feels too massive and too soft and too fluffy.

I sit up and rub my eyes as the light gleams on the snowy, white mountain. The window is too large, and even the floor is made out of marble. This can't be the place traffickers take their victims. This can't be right.

A door opens ajar and some guy pushes open with his toes, carrying a large tray with him. He wears sweatpants and a hoodie that almost makes him look like a teenager. "I've been waiting for you to wake up." I recognize the voice of Kyle. How did he get from asking for water to kidnapping me?

"Maybe try not to put drugs in my drink next time, Kyle Andreson." I learned from Jackson that his Dad is a rich person who owns companies in, at least, five states in America. After that sunday encounter, I hadn't seen him until Friday.

"I love when you call my full name." He shows all his straight, white teeth, making him look more attractive than he should be. "I brought you some lemonade, and I have pancakes and grape juice."

"I don't like pancakes or grape juice." I cross my arms because running away would be a waste. "I want coffee and beacons."

"Love, don't kid yourself. You don't like pork and you despite the smell of coffee."

How did he know that about me? He should be in a mental institution. No one on their right mind would kidnap another person, especially when they are this attractive. "Kyle, tell me where I am, and the reason why I am here."

He sets the tray on the nightstand. "You are in Utah, and you are here because I wanted to spend time with you."

"You know, you could have decided to ask me out, like how a normal person would."

"Tell me when was the last time you said yes to a guy that asked you out."

"Never." I stare at the ceiling. "Because I have never got asked out."

"Not true, Love. You know your coworker, Tom always asked you if you had plans and you always said yes." He places his hands on his hips. "I also asked you if you wanted to hang out, and you said no."

"That was because you were being a creep." I slide myself off from this king size bed. "Normal people don't ask people if they can buy their time." I stand tall and point my finger at him. "You are going to get arrested because people would know that I have disappeared."

"Want to brush your teeth and shower before you eat?"

I place my hand over my mouth and back away from him. "I don't want to eat anything you cook or touch." But those pancakes are so fluffy and the grape juice looks so juicy. "I'll make sure that you get arrested because I can't stand being in the same room as you." I tilt my head. "Don't you get enough attention at home?" I heard that he lives with his stepmom. "Doesn't your stepmommy treat you like you are his son? Doesn't your dad love you enough for you to go insane like this? What the hell happened to your mom for you to lack-"

He picks up the glass and hurls it on the floor. The glass shatters and the juice splashes everywhere on the floor. "Love, don't talk like that." His eyes go red, and he's no longer smiling. "I am not that little boy you once knew anymore."

I have never met him before college. What little boy? "Where is the bathroom?"

He gestures to his right. "It should be at the end of the hall. And don't think about trying to escape because you'll just end up getting frostbite." He stares down at me and my eyes follow his. Sure enough, I am wearing my cotton green T shirt with my sweatpants. I can't survive that weather, and I wouldn't know where to go.

"Where did you put my coat, suitcase, and phone?" I ask. "You know, my dad is going to get worried sick when he finds out I still haven't got back to Rochester."

"Don't kid yourself, Love. You would have to ask him if you could stay with him and his family. You should be glad I am letting you stay here."

I hate how right he sounded. Dad wanted to get rid of me the day I finished high school--he can't stand to look at my face because I remind him of my mom, the woman he hates most. "Don't make me pick up a shard and cut your face, Kyle."

"You wouldn't do something like that...to me."

"I might, Kyle." I glare at him and step out of the room.

No matter how creepy he is, there's something about him that makes me feel perfectly safe. 

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