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I walked around the halls looking for Emily. No one in sight. The bell rang and I went to my locker. Emily was there waiting for me. She looked slumped. I walked up to her. "Hey, where were you all lunch. Did you see the fight?" She said eager to hear a response. "Yeah my brother was in the fight, and well...I looked around for you..." should I tell her what I saw? Was it public? I whispered "I think I saw something I shouldn't have. It might have been private." I looked her right in the eyes and she knew right away I was talking about her and the other girl. She closed my locker and pulled me into the girls washroom. "Don't tell. I haven't came out yet and I'm not sure if I'm ready to. Me and the girl I was with (May) have been just hooking up for awhile. I really like her..." Emily whispered urgently, but the last part seemed sincere. "I understand, Emily. I won't tell a soul." I put out my pinky and she intertwined hers with mine. We walked out and went to our classes. I went to gym, art and I came late to chemistry because I was finishing my painting. I walk in and hope not to be noticed by the teacher. Who wasn't there? I walk towards the back and look at the empty seat beside the red headed boy. He was doodling in his notebook. "What nice drawings"
The boy looked up at me and said "what?" I must of said my thoughts out Loud.
"Uh, may I sit?" "Sure, no one else is here so..." he said tense. "Whats your name?"
"Finn, and you?" "Anne." "That's my moms name." He chuckled with a little snort. I stared at him for a few seconds too long and he noticed. Man his eyes were pretty. They were a light blue with grey tint in them. And his freckles spotted all down his body. He had medium length hair that was very curly. His was very strong and masculine even though his face was soft round. I quickly retreated from looking at him and asked "where did the teacher go?" Smooth. "Some kid named Cyrus beat up the most popular guy in school. They were sent to the office and Mr. Flint had to go and record notes of what they said happened. I think that the principal is taking this fight too far." He put his hand on his head. "Cyrus is my brother." I said very worried he would get into big trouble. "Woah, really? Cyrus is the "it" person this year so far." He said shocked. My brother. The "it" person? Ok this makes a lot of sense. Yeah, I guess sometimes I wish I was popular but not so much anymore. I don't really care. We talked some more had a few laughs. He was very funny yet kind. I think I've found a new friend.

Easily Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora