you wake up feeling tired knowing you have school today, but you still go cause you're best friends are there.

you start getting ready, you put on jeans and a crop top. and you're hair in a pony tail.

you walked down stairs and said bye to you're parents cause they're leaving for work, you got inside of you're car and started blasting music. you got to school and saw you're friends by the door and you walked over to them. "hey guys!" I said "hey ams" Ethan said and I of course blushed cause that's me.

"hey Amy!" Aubrey said to me and I hugged her tightly "hey Amy" gray said while talking to Ethan about something.

Ethans POV

"dude you can't tell her I like her! she probably doesn't like me back, so its no use..."

"Ethan just ask her to be you're valentine! its the best way to find out, and to be honest I think she likes you. 

"fine later today ill ask her but it will be so awkward.."

"good its about time Ethan"

one week later

"Ethan why haven't you asked her yet!?"

"I was going to but I just got to nervous and ran off!" 

"Ethan you're doing it today!"


two hours later

Amys POV

*phone ringing* "hello?" "hey its Ethan, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out for a bit" "yes of course I do, ill be there in 10" "alright see you then!" "bye" "bye"

20 min later

*knocks on door* "hey!" "hey ams, come in" "soo what do you wanna do?" "well I have something I really need to ask you." "and what is that?" "Amy I really like, and I was wondering if you wanted to be my valentine?" 

did he really just ask me to be his valentine!? should I say yes! i don't know what to do!

"ams?" he asked me so calmly.. "yes!" "wait you're answering me or you're saying yes to be my valentine!?" "no dummy im saying yes to be you're valentine!!" "oh my fucking god you're joking right!??" "no im not!" "oh my god, oh my god!" 

hes legit jumping around his living room.. "can you stay the night?" "um lemme text my mom and find out" "ok" *calls mom* "hey mom can I stay the night at Ethans house?" "yes hunny just be safe and don't do anything dumb" "of course mom, never!" "ok love you baby" "love you mom"

and for the rest of the night you and Ethan cuddled and watch scary movies.

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