Hugs, Love, Birthdays and YOU - A Short Story (Dedicated to Just_Like_Foxface

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I sat at the lunch table, by myself, as usual. The tofu sandwich my vegetarian mom had packed was picked apart in front of me. I mean, seriously, who actually likes those things? Well, obviously, my mom does, but that does not mean I do! They're all squishy and flavorless and gross!

Oops, sorry, I'm getting off topic. Back to the story.

There I was, in the corner of the lunchroom, eating the pieces of my lunch that actually had calories, when I heard them come into the lunchroom. By them, I mean the pops. And by pops, I mean the popular girls. At least, that's what everyone else calls them. To me, they are known as the girls who make my life a living he- Wait a minute, can't say that. I promised Mom I would stop cussing. Alright, they make my life pretty inconvenient for me to be living.

This day, however, the sound they are making as they come in is different. Instead of coming in and gossiping about everyone and everything as loud as they possibly can, they are singing Happy Birthday. Very loudly and perfectly, of course. Along with everyone else in the lunchroom, I lift my head and listen in, although I don't sing along like everyone else does.

"Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu. Happy birthday to youuuuuuu. Happy biiiiiiiirthdaaaaaaay, dear Saaaaaaabriiiiinaaaaaa! Haaaaaaaaappy biiiiiiiiirthdaaaaaay tooooooo youuuuuuuu!"

I straighten my back a little more. So it was Sabrina's birthday today. That's makes it a little better than if it was one of the other Barbies. Sabrina was not only the leader of the pops, but she was also the nicest to me. Or, at least, she didn't make fun of me.

The pops ended their song and did that annoying jumping, clapping thing that all popular girls seem to do. Sabrina stayed still, blushing and looking at the ground as though she was embarrassed by all the attention. I'm not sure why she would be, though. It's not like she's not used to attention, being the most popular girl in school.

I looked back down to my lunch, trying to stomach that seriously annoying clapping sound along with my lunch. After a few minutes, I heard the sound of their high heels click-clacking on the floor as they passed around Sabrina's birthday cupcakes. I peeled my banana and slid down a little in my chair, expecting them to just pass over me with the cupcakes. Those delicious looking chocolate cupcakes, topped with that amazing whipped cream frosting.......

"And here's one for you, Kathryn."

I looked up in surprise to see Phoebe Delta holding out one of the cupcakes with her perfectly manicured fingers. She had a blinding and obviously faked smile on her face. Even though that cupcake looked delicious, I knew better than to trust these girls. Especially Phoebe. I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, glaring at Phoebe.

"My name is Trin, smart one. And I don't want your stupid cupcake."

Phoebe scowled at me, while somehow still keeping that smile. "It's not my cupcake, freak. It's Sabrina's and she wanted me to give everyone one. Which, suddenly, includes you too." She extended the cupcake.

I squinted my eyes at her. After a moment, I slowly extended my hand to take it. Just as I was about to grab it, Phoebe stuffed the top of the cupcake into my hand, getting all of the frosting all over my hand. Then she took the rest of the cupcake and crumpled it up, stuffing it in my face.

I stood up quickly in my chair, looking in horror at the cafeteria of laughing people. I looked at Phoebe, whose smirk had now completely overpowered that fake smile of hers. Quickly as I could, I grabbed another one of the cupcakes and shoved it all over the front of her designer shirt. I wasted only one second relishing the look of horror on her face before running out of the lunchroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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Hugs, Love, Birthdays and YOU - A Short Story (Dedicated to Just_Like_FoxfaceWhere stories live. Discover now